
出版時(shí)間:1970-1  作者:本社 編  頁數(shù):224  


Rainy days will never be udll and boring again!This book is full of creative and fun things for children to make,The projects use easy-to-buy materials or recycled objects from around the home,Simple step-by-step instructions,attractive photographs and clear illustrations will help children to create crafts to be pround of.


Measu rements and recipesGet crafty!Tips for successPAPERCRAFT Paper poppies Cut—out supermodel Dinosaur Ietter rack Mini Rift box Piggy bookmark BaIleri na card Bubble—print gift wrap Printed star card Groovy gift bag Paper aeroplanes Card—players’gift wrap Donkey peg Tissue paper card Paper pompoms Designer envelopes Mosaic boat scene Wacky waste binRECYCLE IT! Bird feeder Yogu rt pot herb garden Blazing pumps Denim phone holder Matchbox chest of drawers Stripey money box Tiger feet Raci ng yachts Sporty storage box Starry penci l tube Lolly—stick desk tidyFOOD FUN Pepperm i nt creams Fruit smoothies IDasta iewellery Gingerbread men Pirate treasu re map Fishy burgers Choc chiP cookies Prjnted T-shirt Fairy cakes Cress caterpi I Iar Chocolate banana sundae Clove pomandersGREAT GIFTSMODELLINGTOYS AND GAMESSPECIAL OCCASIONSNATURECRAFTTop templatesIndex and acknowledgements




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