
出版時間:2007-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:Judy Williams 著  頁數(shù):256  


Thai cuisine is a wonderfully aromatic and harmonious mixture of flavours, colours and textures, and it is incredibly easy to cook. World Food: Thailand introduces you to the flavours and textures of Thailand and shows you how to bring them into your own kitchen and impress your family and friends. There is also background information on Thailand as a country, and the foods that make up its culinary history.     Thailand  is now one of the most popular holiday destinations for Westerners, and more and more cooks are experinlenting with tile different dishes that originated in the country. Eating Thai food is an amazirlg experience - each flavour, be it hot, sweet or sour, can be tasted separately;leaving the mouth feeling clean and ready for more. Thai cooking is all about balance and harmony, In most people's opinion, the chilli is the most important ingredient, but there are many other essential elements that go towards creating these fahulous tastes. Coconut rnilk, lemon grass, galangal, lime leaves, palm sugar and fish sauce all go together to make a truly harmonious whole.    The recipes throughout this book are simple, tasty and easy to cook. So, Whether you are planning an elegant dinner party or an informal family supper, the delicate flavours of these Thai dishes will suitany occasion. There is also a broad selection of delicious Thai-inspired desserts to finish off that perfect banquet. World Food: Thailand is a fascinating journey through the CLiIture and cuisine of one of the world's most fragrant desti nations.作者簡介:    Judy Williams is a food writer and stylist who has written recipes for a variety of magazines and books. She is particularly interested in Chinese, Indian and Thai cuisine,and in creating dishes that are fragrant, spicy and quick to cook. when Judy joined her daughters on a world trip last year, she was captivated by the foods of Thailand, from sizzling noodles to pancakes stuffed with bananas. On returning to England, she purchased an array of ingredients from a local Thai grocery shop, and began researching and testing the recipes found in this book. Judy now runs a hotel in Devon, Downrew House, where the guests are regularly treated to sumptuous Thai feasts.


Introduction  Curry Paste Recipes  In the Thai KitchenStarters  Corn Fritters Khao Ped Chup Pang  Wontons Koeow  Crisp Sesame Prawns Khung Ob Gha Tord Khob  Omelette Rolls Kai Yud Sol  Fish Cakes Thot Man Pla  Chicken Satay Satay Gei  Beef Stir-fry Pahd Nuea  Crispy Spring Rolls Po Pia Thot  Crispy Wrapped Prawns Khung Hau Tord khob  Crab Parcels Pue Hao  Lettuce Wraps Puk Hao  Steamed Spring Rolls Po Pia NuagSoups  Hot-and-Sour Soup Tom Yam  Prawn Laksa Khung  Sweetcorn and Crab Soup Tom Jood Pu Sai khow Pod  Clear Soup with Mushrooms and Chicken Tom Jood Gai Sai Hed  Seafood and Basil Soup Tom Jood Ta-La Sai Bai Hu La Pa  Rice Noodles with Tofu Soup Guay Tiaw Too Hu  Duck with Spring Onion Soup Ped KuO Ton Hom  Pork with Rice and Egg Soup Khao PhatMu Sol Khai  Spicy Beef and Noodle Soup Guay Tiaw Tom Yam Nuea  Vegetable and Noodle Soup Guay Tiaw Nora Sai PukVegetarian Dishes  Vegetable Parcels Puk Hao  Stuffed Aubergines Makuea Yad Sai  Sweet-and-sour Vegetables with Cashew Nuts Preow Won Puk Sai Tua Ob  Mixed Mushroom Stir-fry Pud Hed Ruem  Aubergine and Bean Curry Kaeng Ped Mo Khure Sai Tua  Carrot and Pumpkin Curry Kaeng Ped Carrot Kub Phuk  Onion, Potato and Red Pepper Curry Kaeng Ped Mun Fa Rung Sai Horn Yai, Phrik Yhuak  Mixed Greens Curry Kaeng Khiao Won Ruam  Tofu and Green Vegetable Curry Kaeng Khiao Won Too HuVegetarian Dishes(continued)Main MealsStir-fried MealsNoodles Et RiceNoodles Et Rice(continued)SaladsDessertsIndex




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用戶評論 (總計3條)


  •   很厚實的一本,拿到手挺重的。除了介紹菜肴,還有泰國的廟宇和民俗文化等,圖片非常精美。作為食譜,這本書真夠奢華的。
  •   開本大,又厚,圖片很漂亮,中間還穿插了一些介紹泰國建筑和風土人情的圖片。性價比很高。泰國最著名的幾道菜,里面都有菜譜。我按這本書,做了一次phathai,比我以前做的好吃。很受益,我還將繼續(xù)嘗試其他的菜。
  •   印刷及紙張質量都很好

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