出版時(shí)間:2006-12 出版社:Parragon 作者:TAMSIN PICKERAL 著 頁數(shù):384
A highly informative highly illustrated guide to the world of horses.Text and illustration combine to provide a comprehensive look at all aspects of the horse. A one-stop reference guide to the main breeds illustrated with1000 photographs and line drawings Easy-to-use icons provide information on uses blood type and temperament Identifcation boxes List approximate size colour variations and place of origin Introductory sections give information about horse anatomy and history Includes a practical guide for the horse-owner containing tips and advice.
Tamsin Pickenal has ridden hoses since she was a child A keen competitor in horse shows and trials during her youh she now lives in America and when she is not writing abour borses trains young horses A Forner computer progummes.her intesest in writing ab
INTRODUCTIONA World of HorsesThe Anaromy of the HorseHorse Care and ManagementHealth and BreedingBasic TackRding and TrainingCompetitionsHorses in the Human WorldClassifying HorsesTHe BreedsUSERJL ADDRESSESBIBUOGRAPHY & FURTHER READINGGLOSSARYPICTURE CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGMENTSINDEX