血液分子學Molecular Hematology

出版時間:2005-2  出版社:Blackwell Pub  作者:Provan, Drew (EDT)/ Gribben, John G., M.D. (EDT)  頁數(shù):324  


List of Contributors,ixForeword,xiiiPrefaca、xvAbbreviations,xvii1 Beginnings:the molecular pathology of hemoglobin  David Weatheralf2 Molecular cytogenetics3 Stem cells4 The genetics of acute myeloid leukemias5 Secondary myelodysplasia/acute myelogenous leukemia--assessment ofrisk6 Detection ofminimal residual disease in hematological malignancies7 Chronic myeloid leukemia8 Myelodysplastic syndromes9 Myeloproliferative disorders10 Lymphoid neoplasms11 The molecular biology of multiple myeloma12 The molecular basis of anemia13 The molecular basis of iron metabolism,14 Hemoglobinopathies due to structural mutations,15 Molecular coagulation and thrombophilia,16 The molecular basis of hemophilia,17 The molecular basis of von Willebrand disease,18 Platelet disorders,19 The molecular basis of blood cell alloantigens,20 Functions ofblood group antigens,21 Autoimmune hematological disorders.22 Hematopoietic growth factors,23 Molecular therapeutics in hematology,24 Gene expression profiling in the study of lymphoid malignancies,AppendicesIndex  Colorplate,facing.



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