婦產科與婦女健康Ob/Gyn & Women's Health

出版時間:2003-11  出版社:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins  作者:Carr, Phyllis L. (EDT)/ Ricciotti, Hope A./ Freund, Karen M./ Kahan, Scott  頁數(shù):156  


Are you overwhelmed by the sheer mass of information that you need to know? Now you can find all of the information you need about a disease, all on one page! In A Page OB/GYN & Women's Health is your timesaving solution to long hours and busy wards. In this innovative one-page format, you can review topics such as etiology/pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, presentation, diagnosis/evaluation, treatment options, and prognosis/complications for 126 topics. / Organized by a woman's life span, beginning in adolescence and ending with issues of elderly women / Integrated approach to women's health, obstetrics, and gynecology / Written by students, residents, practitioners, and reviewed by specialists, ensuring you have the most up-to-date, accurate information / Emphasizes high-yield information and the most commonly encountered diseases, disorders, and medical issues / Provides you with a visually distinct and unique way to help you learn and remember / Fits in your white coat pocket for on-the-spot reference In A Page OB/GYN & Women's Health is perfect for medical students. Physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and related health professionals will also find this book valuable.    Concise format discusses etiology, pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, presentation, diagnosis/evaluation, treatment, and prognosis for 126 topics associated with women's health. Emphasizes high-yield information and is written for medical students and residents. Organized by a woman's life span, beginning in adolescence to issues of the elderly. Softcover.


AttributionsAbbreviationsContributorsPrefaceAcknowledgmentsSection One: Adolescent Care  1. Well Care of Female Adolescents  2. Puberty  3. Precocious Puberty  4. Bulimia Nervosa  5. Anorexia NervosaSection Two: Gynecologic & Preventive Care  6. Adult Immunization  7. Immunization During Pregnancy  8. Breast Cancer Screening  9. Cervical Cancer Screening  10. Ovarian & Endometrial Cancer Screening  11. Contraception: Barrier Methods  12. Contraception: Intrauterine Devices  13. Contraception: Combination Hormonal Methods  14. Contraception: Progestin-Only Methods  15. Emergency ContraceptionSection Three: Common Gynecologic Issues  16. Regulation of the Menstrual Cycle  17. Premenstrual Syndrome  18. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding  19. Amenorrhea  20. Dysmenorrhea & Pelvic Pain  21. Functional Ovarian Cysts  22. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome  23. Hirsutism & Virilization  24. Endometriosis & Adenomyosis  25. Fibroids  26. Breast Mass Evaluation  27. Galactorrhea  28. Vulvovaginitis  29. Vulvar Disease  30. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Overview  31. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease  32. Human Papilloma Virus  33. Herpes Simplex Virus  34. Human Immunodeficiency Virus  35. Toxic Shock Syndrome  36. Female Sexual Dysfunction  37. Infertility  38. Spontaneous & Recurrent Abortions  39. Assisted Reproduction  40. Abortion  41. Sterilization (Male & Female)Section Four: Gynecologic Oncology  42. Cancer in Pregnancy  43. Breast Cancer  44. Solid Ovarian Tumors  45. Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma  46. Evaluation of an Abnormal Pap Smear  47. Cervical Cancer  48. Uterine Cancer  49. Vaginal Cancer  50. Vulvar Cancer  51. Gestational Trophoblastic NeoplasiaSection Five: Common Non-GynecologicMedical Issues in Women  52. Urinary Tract Infections  53. Upper Respiratory Tract Infections  54. Lower Respiratory Tract Infections  55. Asthma  56. Thyroid Disease  57. Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy  58. Gallbladder Disease  59. Irritable Bowel Syndrome  60. Headache  61. Back Pain  62. Depression  63. Anxiety Disorders  64. Diabetes Mellitus  65. Diabetes in Pregnancy  66. Hypertension  67. Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy  68. Obesity  69. Epilepsy  70. Deep Venous Thrombosis  71. Thrombosis in Pregnancy  72. Mitral Valve Prolapse……Section Six: PregnancySection Seven: Maternal Complications of PregnancySection Eight: Fetal Complications of PregnancySection Nine: Labor & DeliverySection Ten: Complications of Labor & DeliverySection Eleven: Postpartum Care & ComplicationsSection Twelve: Menopause & Related DisordersIndex




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