生理學速記 Visual Mnemonic for Physiology and Related Nantomy

出版時間:2003-3  出版社:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins  作者:Marbas, Laurie L./ Case, Erin  頁數(shù):314  


Visual Mnemonics for Physiology and Related Anatomy (VMS) uses cartoon drawings that make the material easier to learn with tremendous recall months later. Whether you need a fast Physiology review for your course or USMLE Step 1, Visual Mnemonics for Physiology and Related Anatomy is the fun way to study. Perfect for medical students -- physician assistants, nurse practitioners and related health professionals will also find Visual Mnemonics valuable.


1.Bones, Arteries, Nerves, and Muscles of the Head and Neck   Head and Neck, Part I   Head and Neck, Part II  Neck Muscles  Olfactory Nerve  Optic Nerve  Nerves of the Orbit from Lateral Side  Trigeminal Nerve  Facial Nerve  Vestibulocochlear Glossopharyngeal Vagus Spinal Accessory  Hypoglossal Chapter 2.Eye  Horizontal Section of the Eyeball  Comparison of Rods and Cones  Layers of the Retina  Extraocular Muscles and Nerves V isual Field Defects  Phototransduction Cascade Chapter 3.Ear  Ear Anatomy  Otoscope  Middle Ear Muscles  Vestibule, Cochlea, and Semi circular Canals Up Close  Sound Transmission Chapter 4.Heart  Heart circulation  Fetal Circulation  Coronary Arteries  Auscultation of Heart Sounds  Cardiac Muscle  Cardiac Muscle Contraction  Pacemaker Action Potential  Fast Sodium Cells  Heart Conduction System  Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Effects  Cardiac Cycle  Left Ventricular Pressure-Volume Loop  Electrocardiogram  Congenital Heart Disease  Myocardial Infarction  Congestive Heart Failure Chapter 5.Lung  Respiratory Tract  Lower Respiratory Tract  Mechanics of Respiration  CO2 Transport  Oxygen Dissociation Curve  V/Q Mismatch  What Products do the Lungs Make  Changes that Occur at High Altitude  Lung Volumes Chapter 6.Gastrointestinal7.Liver, Spleen, and Pancreas Anatomy of the Liver Bilirubin Gallbladder Anatomy Bile Secretion 8.Kidney 9.Genitourinary10.Brang and Spinal Cord11.Bones, Arteries, Nerves and Muscles of the Back and Thorax 12.Bones, Arteries, Nerves and Muscles of the Abdomen13.Bones, Arteries, Nerves and Muscles of the Upper Limb  14.Bones, Arteries, Nerves and Muscles of the Lower Limb 15.Bones, Arteries, Nerves and Muscles of the Pelvis and Perineum 16.Endocrine 17.Skin




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