
出版時間:2005-12  出版社:Blackwell Pub  作者:McAuliffe, Robert E. (EDT)  頁數(shù):270  


In addition to the standard terms and concepts in managerial economics, there are several new items in the new edition. We now have entries on the internet (lock-in, network externalities, etc.) and on the EU (competition policy, merger policy). This edition also has entries on the Microsoft antitrust case, market microstructure and more which will be of interest to readers.


Kostas Axarloglou  Athens Laboratory of Business AdministrationVickie L. Bajtelsmit  Colorado State UniversityGilbert Becker  St. Anselm's CollegeAlexandra Bernasek  Colorado State UniversityRoberto Bonifaz  Adolfo Ibanez, Santiago, ChileMichael D. Curley  Kennesaw State UniversityJohn Edmunds  Babson CollegeGovind Hariharan  Kennesaw State UniversitySean Hopkins  Renaldo and Palumbo Law Firm, Clarence,NYSayed Ajaz Hussain  Babson CollegeKent A. Jones  Babson CollegeBrett Katzman  Kennesaw State UniversityEduardo Ley  International Monetary FundWei Li  Darden Business School, University of VirginiaRobert E. McAuliffe  Babson CollegeAlastair McFarlane  Department of Housing and Urban Develop-mentSteven G. Medema  University of Colorado at DenverDileep R. Mehta  Georgia State UniversityMaria Minitti  Babson CollegeLaurence S. Moss  Babson CollegeLidija Polutnik  Babson CollegeLaura Power  Treasury Department, Washington, DCMark Rider  Georgia State UniversityDon Sabbarese  Kennesaw State UniversityS. Alan Schlacht  Kennesaw State UniversityJames G. Tompkins  Kennesaw State University……



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