International Handbook of Urban Education國際城市教育手冊

出版時間:2008-2  出版社:Springer Verlag  作者:Pink, William (EDT)/ Noblit, George (EDT)  頁數(shù):558  


It is evident that urban education has become the central focus of educators at the present time. In the U.S., for example, almost one third of all school age children attend schools in large urban school districts. It is in these urban schools where the diversity of cultures and languages is highest and where student learning is most problematic.    What has emerged from recent work to improve urban schools is the insight that there is no one-size-fits-all panacea. Rather, we have discovered that the local context shapes, in critically important ways, what will be effective at the school level. The universality of the problematics with urban education, together with the importance of understanding the local, or situated, context of improvement interventions, brings into sharp focus the importance and timeliness of an undertaking like the International Handbook of Urban Education.    An important focus of the International Handbook of Urban Education will be the interrogation of both the social and political factors that lead to different problem posing and subsequent solutions within each region. An important question to be answered, for example, is what it takes in terms of resources, political will and policy actions to improve urban education.


PrefaceIntroductionGeorge W. Noblit and William T. PinkPart One  Section 1  Africa    1 Urban Education in Africa: Section Editors' Introduction    2 Urbanization and Schooling in Africa: Trends, Issues, and Challenges from      Ghana during the Colonial Era    3 Language Education in Cameroon: From the Colonial Era to the 21 st Century    4 The Politics of National Culture and Urban Education Reforms in Post-       Independent Zimbabwe    5 Reforming the City School in South Africa: Mapping the History from Apartheid    Durban to Post-Apartheid eThekwini    6 Urban Primary Schooling in Malawi: Opportunities and Challenges    7 Ethnicity, Politics, and State Resource Allocation: Explaining Educational     Inequalities in Kenya    8 Dimensions of Diversity: Educating Urban Township Learners, a Case of Umlazi    Township School in Durban, South Africa    9 The Middle School Climate in Senegal: The Case of the Diourbel Middle School    10  Urban Education Differentials and Marginalization: The Case of Educating     the Youth in Nairobi's Informal Settlements  Section 2  Asia Pacific    11  Urban Education in Asia Pacific: Section Editors' Introductio    12  Urban-Rural Disparities in Educational Equality: China's Pressing Challenge     in a Context of Economic Growth and Political Change    13  Equity and Social Justice in Australian Education Systems: Retrospect and      Prospect    14  The Urban and the Peripheral: New Challenges for Education in the Pacific    15  Ducked or Bulldozed? Education of Deprived Urban Children in In    16  Withering the State? Globalization Challenges and Changing Higher Education     Governance in East Asia    17  Madrasah and Muslim Education: Its Interface with Urbanization    18  Women in East Asian Education and Society: Whose Gains in Whose          Perspectives?    19  Framing Lives: Longitudinal Research on Life Planning and Pathways in        Singapore    20  New Urban Terrains: Literacies, World Kids, and Teachers  Section 3  Western Europe    21  Urban Education in Europe: Section Editors' Introduction    22  Globalisation and Glocalisation in Northern Spain: Urban Education,         Ethnicity and Multicultural Issues    ……Part Two  Section 4 Latin America  Section 5 North America  Section 6 United Kingdom  CodaBiographical StatementsSubject IndexAuthor Index



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