北京周報(2007年第30期) (平裝)

出版時間:2007年7月26日  出版社:Beijing Review  


COVER STORY Among the biggest challenges faced by the Chinese Governmet today are those of intringements of copyright,and intellectual property right(IPR)villation.The United States may have accused China of not cleaning up its act as far as piracy goes,but the writing is on the wall:The government is cracking down on "pirates" like never before.Starting with the country's accession to the Universal Copyright Convention 15 years ago,right up to the government's latest campaign to destroy piracy at its roots,this is a shakedown like one never witnessed before.Yet,piracy persists,and unless the masses are made aware of the problem,and information is desseminated regarding the same,this will continue to be an uphill battle for the establishment.



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