純粹的街頭藝術Street Art Uncut

出版時間:2003-1  出版社:Thames and Hudson (Australia) Pty Ltd  作者:Lunn,Matthew  頁數:143  


Melbourne is a city of nearly four milion people,lively and culturally .its  richex includes an amazing sub-culture of street art ,of such vigour theat is variety and power with the graffiti capitals of london and new yourk ,and with those of paris ,berlin ,buenos aries and rio de janeiro.    Although street art is essentially a subterranean activity ,the topography of melbourne,with its radiating railways running through walled canyons and a tight -knit inner city of walls and  laneways ,gives even the most conservative citizen a chance to observe the outporuings of the street art even the most conservative citizen a cross-over with fashion,design,graphics and advertising.    The artistic parade presentedin street art uncut explores all genres of the trae -including throwups,stencils,murals ,stickers,posters,piaues and sculpturds.    Matthew lunn`s knowledge of the artists themselves and their stories,and this understanging of the methodologies and the psychology of street art make thei both an absorbing and visually stunning book.




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