糖尿病重點 Diabetes in Focus

出版時間:2003-1  出版社:Pharmaceutical Pr  作者:Patel, Anjana  頁數(shù):168  


Diabetes is a chronic disease affecting millions internationally. Diabetic patients are thus regularly encountered by healthcare workers and the pharmacist is ideally placed to become actively involved in the management of the medicines used by such patients. Diabetes in Focus presents a clear, concise discussion of diabetes as a disease and reviews how the community pharmacist, as a member of a multidisciplinary healthcare team, can become involved in counselling the diabetic patient on their illness, lifestyle, and medicines. Chapters include discussions on the diabetic syndrome, pharmacotherapeutic interventions, medicines management, monitoring, and screening and prevention.


PrefaceAcknowledgementsAbout the authorFocus points1 Introduction2 The diabetic syndrome  WHO diagnostic criteria   WHO classification criteria3 Prevention and management of diabetic complications   Macrovascular complications   The diabetic foot   Macrovascular complications   Antiplatelet therapy4 Lifestyle management   Ketoacidosis   Non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma   Hypoglycaemia   Other conditions   Exercise   Alcohol   Smoking   Driving   Travel   Vaccination   Complementary/alternative medicines5 Monitoring glycaemic control   Blood glucose monitoring   Urine glucose and ketone monitoring   Glycated haemoglobin   Fructosamine   Drug interference with blood and urine tests6  Dietary recommendations   Glycaemic index of foods   Carbohydrates and fibre   Fat and triglycerides   Protein   Salt   Dietary supplements7  Pharmacotherapeutic interventions with antidiabetic drugs   Type 1 diabetes   Type 2 diabetes8  Insulins   Indications   Mechanism of action   Pharmacokinetics   Dosage   Adverse effects   Drug interactions   Preparations9  Sulphonylureas   Indications   Mechanism of action   Pharmacokinetics   Dosage   Adverse effects   Drug interactions   Preparations10 Mefformin   Indications   Mechanism of action   Contraindications   Pharmacokinetics   Dosage   Adverse effects   Drug interactions   Preparations11 Acarbose   Indications   Mechanism of action   Pharmacokinetics   ……12 Thiazolidinediones(PPAR-γ-agonists)13 Meglitinides14 New therapies and future developments15 Prevention of and screening for diabetes mellitus16 Pharmaceutical assesment of people with diabetesNational Service Framework for Diabetes:Standards2002Glossary Useful resourcesIndex



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