The ROI of Human Capital Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance人力資本投資回報率

出版時間:2009-2  作者:Dr. Jac Fitz-enz  頁數:312  


The lifeblood of any business enterprise is its people. Yet it wasn’t until the publication of the groundbreaking book The ROI of Human Capital that there was a reliable way to quantify the contributions of people to corporate profit. Completely updated with new metrics, the book shows executives and HR professionals how to gauge human costs and productivity at three critical levels:   organizational (contributions to corporate goals) • functional (impact on process improvement) • human resources management (value added by five basic HR department activities)   The second edition contains new material on topics including corporate outsourcing, developments in behavioral science, and advances in trending and forecasting that have dramatically changed the way organizations measure the bottom line effect of employee performance. Utterly up-to-date, this is the go-to resource for organizations performing the essential task of measuring the value of their people.


Jac Fitz-enz (San Jose, CA) has been called “the father of human performance benchmarking.” He is founder of the Saratoga Institute, known worldwide for its pioneering research and reports on performance measurement and improvement, and of the consultin


1 Human leverage 2 How to measure human capital's contribution to enterprise goals 3 How to measure human capital's impact on processes 4 How to measure human resources' value added 5 End-to-end human capital value reports 6 Human capital analytics: the leading edge of measurement 7 Predictive analytics: leading indicators and intangible metrics 8 How to measure and value improvement initiatives results 9 Outsourcing: a new operating model? 10 How to change the game 11 Eleven principles, seven skills, and five metrics Index




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