領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力優(yōu)勢/LEADERSHIP ADVANTAGE

出版時間:2007-9  出版社:Amacom Books  作者:Fulmer, Robert M./ Bleak, Jared L.  頁數(shù):262  


The best competitive weapon any company can have is its up-and-coming leaders. The Leadership Advantage shows companies what some exceptional organizations are doing to develop their best and brightest. Based on substantial research and featuring the results of a 2006 study conducted by Duke Corporate Education, APQC, and the Center for Creative Leadership, Robert M. Fulmer and Jared L. Bleak show how these companies:     create learning opportunities for individual employees as well as the entire company * maintain a strong partnership between line managers and human resources * develop high-potential employees * evaluate success by measuring company-wide achievement * tie leadership development to business goals.    Featuring illuminating case studies of companies like Caterpillar, Cisco Systems, and PepsiCo that have made leadership development an integral part of their business strategy, The Leadership Advantage will ensure that today’s businesses have the tools to help their most promising talent reach their greatest potential and to create a company-wide culture of excellence. 作者簡介:    Robert M. Fulmer, Ph.D. (Santa Barbara, CA) is Academic Director of Duke Corporate Education and Distinguished Visiting Professor at Pepperdine University. He has written or coauthored 15 books, including The Leadership Investment (978-0-8144-0558-1) and Growing Your Company’s Leaders (978-0-8144-0767-7). Jared L. Bleak, Ph.D. (Durham, NC) is a Managing Director at Duke Corporate Education, where he designs and delivers educational programs that meet clients’ strategic challenges.


PrefacePart Ⅰ Leadership Development as a Strategic Force  Chapter 1. What We Have Learned About Strategic Leadership Development  Chapter 2. Making Leadership Development a Strategic Lever  Chapter 3. Building an Aligned Architecture for Strategic Leadership Development  Chapter 4. Implementing Successful Strategic Leadership Development  Chapter 5. Leveraging Leadership Development for High Potentials  Chapter 6. Evaluating Success in Strategic Leadership Development  Chapter 7. What's Next? The Future of Strategic Human-Capital ManagementPart Ⅱ Detailed Case Studies of Best-Practice Companies  Caterpillar University College of Leadership  Cisco Systems  PepsiCo Inc.  PricewaterhouseCoopers  Washington Group InternationalNotesReferencesIndex



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