Recipes and Ideas: Windows: Simple Solutions for the Home (Recipes & Ideas) (平裝)

出版時間:2000年03月  出版社:Chronicle Books  作者:Lynne Robinson  


From simple do-it-yourself shades to elaborate stained glass creations,  Recipes & Ideas: Windows features an enormous range of creative  projects for turning a plain window into a work of art. The introduction  focuses on the architectural details that make windows stand beautifully on  their own--no covering necessary--and how rarely our "dream window" is to  be found.  Later chapters provide step-by-step instructions for window  treatments appropriate for every room and every decorating style in your  home. Many are simple and inexpensive, using organza, burlap, vinyl, and  plain metal grommets or clasps as hangers. 
Sections are divided not by room, but rather by amount of light you wish to block from the area. The fabrics shown get lighter as the book progresses, ending with several unusual suggestions for making movable, rolling screens or collapsible reflectors. One lovely picture shows living plants being used to create a summery screen. There's also a fun section on seasonal possibilities, achieved with paint, stencils, and suction cups--you'll find some great inspirations for holiday decorations. The illustrations and detailed instructions of the last chapter demonstrate sewing and installation techniques to ensure professional-looking results. With such a large variety of techniques, some do require an experienced hand at the sewing machine, but the authors make an effort to supply simple alternatives to complex methods whenever possible. With this book and a few weekends of sewing, your windows can have an original new look that you'll be proud to show off. --Jill Lightner



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