Butterflies of the World 蝴蝶世界

出版時(shí)間:2006-5  出版社:Harry N Abrams Inc  作者:Martin, Gilles/ Baran, Myriam  


One in every 10 insects is a butterfly or moth, and everyone in the world can recognize a member of the family Lepidoptera. Easy to view because of their often colorful wings and day-flying habits, the butterflies are more popular than their mostly night-flying moth kin but are far outnumbered by the moths. The diversity of colors and habits of butterflies and moths are highlighted in this beautiful new book featuring Martin's exquisite close-up photography. Photos reveal the uncoiled proboscis of the tropical queen swallowtail as it sips from damp sand, the plump underside of a chartreuse moth caterpillar as it rears up to confront the photographer, the thick "fur" and brushy antennae of a moon moth, and the mosaic of color in masses of resting monarch butterflies. Science writer Baran's text provides a wealth of detail on the ecology, anatomy, behavior, and life cycle of lepidopterans in succinct sections interspersed among Martin's photos. Although the text takes this beyond a coffee-table book, it is the beautiful photographs that will sell the book to libraries and readers. Nancy BentCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved



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