家裝布置Complete Home Organizer

出版時間:1970-1  出版社:Grove Press (1994年1月12日)  作者:Maxine Ordesky  頁數(shù):191  


  Is your home a storage nightmare? Well, there's no need to despair any longer. Withstep-by-step directions, hands-on instructions, and valuable insights and tips that show you how to find storage space for all your belongings, The Complete Home Organizer gets you started and then helps you maintain an organized home. This comprehensive guide is filled with more than 250 color photographs and questionaires, lists, and diagrams that will have you looking at your home--and all the unused, available storage space it contains--in a new and creative light.


PART ONE:THE ANATOMY OF STORAGE SPACE  CHAPTER  1 What to Store    CHAPTER  2 Types of Storage    CHAPTER  3 Taking Inventory    CHAPTER  4 Tricks of the Trade  PART TWO:ORGANIZING ROOM BY ROOM  CHAPTER 1 Kitchens, Pantries, and Dirting Rooms    CHAPTER  2 Living and Family Rooms   CHAPTER  3 Bathrooms   CHAPTER  4 Bedrooms    CHAPTER  5  Closets   CHAPTER  6 Laundry and Utility Rooms   CHAPTER  7 Home Offices    CHAPTER  8 Hallways and Landings    CHAPTER  9 Basements and Attics    CHAPTER 10 Garages and Garden Sheds  PART THREE:SPECIAL SPACE-PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS  CHAPTER  1 Seasonal Storage    CHAPTER  2 Linens   CHAPTER  3 Sporting Gear    CHAPTER  4 Photographs 161  CHAPTER  5 Children's Art Supplies    CHAPTER  6 Valuables   CHAPTER  7 Collections    CHAPTER  8 Wine    CHAPTER  9 Sewing  Conclusion  Sources  Suggested Reading  Index



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