Managing Projects in Organizations管理組織項目

出版時間:2003-10  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Frame, J. Davidson  頁數(shù):258  


In this third edition of Managing Projects in Organizations, J. Davidson Frame updates and expands on his classic book to provide an accessible introduction to the field of project management. Drawing on more than twenty-five years of consulting and training experience, Frame's most current edition of his landmark book includes a wealth of new topics, including:     Managing virtual teams;The evolving concept of the project manager's role;Comanaged project teams;The project office;Project portfolios;Web-based project management;International project management.作者簡介:    J. DAVIDSON FRAME is Dean of Academic Affairs at the University ofManagement and Technology (UMT) in Arlington, Virginia. Prior to joining UMT, heestablished the project management program at George Washington University.He also served as director of the Project Management Certification Program atthe Project Management Institute(PMI) and has served on PMI's board of direc-tors. Frame has authored more than forty articles and seven books, including TheNew Project Management (2nd edition) and Managing Risk in Organizations.


PrefaceThe AuthorIntroduction:Understanding the Process of Managing ProjectsPart One:The Project Context:People,Teams,and the Organization  1 Operating Within the Realities of Organizational Life  2 Finding and Working with Capable People  3 Structuring Project Teams and Building CohesivenessPart Two:Project Customers and Project Requirements  4 Making Certain the Project Is Based on a Clear Need  5 Specifying What the Project Should AccomplishPart Three:Project Planning and Control  6 Tools and Techniques for Keeping the Project on Course  7 Managing Special Problems and Complex Projects  8 Achieving Results:Principles for Success as a Project ManagerReferencesIndex



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