Symphony Orchestra and Its Instruments (精裝)

出版時間:2002年01月  出版社:2002-01-01 (2002年1月1日)  作者:Sven Kruckenberg  


The Symphony Orchestra and Its Instruments will expand the horizons of all those who gladly listen to classical music and its close relations. Whether one has only just "discovered" a Beethoven, or has long been wondering where the genius of traditional symphony music came from and where it can lead us, this book provides a clear guide to the fascinating events and personalties in the lives of both symphonies and orchestras.
Devoting as much attention to techniques of composing and conducting music, playing and making instruments, as to their impact on audiences - and on culture in general - the text is also an author's personal testimony to the love of great music, and is enriched by a variety of fine illusctrations.

length: (cm)31.5                 width:(cm)23.5



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