藥劑手冊 Pharmacy Practice Manual

出版時間:2001-3  出版社:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins  作者:Boh, Larry E. (EDT)/ Young, Lloyd Y. (EDT)  頁數(shù):816  


This fully-revised, portable Second Edition provides pharmacy students with a unique reference source for their introductory clerkship and is the only clinical clerkship manual designed specifically for pharmacy students. This text serves two purposes: it eases the transition from classroom to experiential training (students learn what to expect from the patient care setting and what is expected from them); and it provides quick reference material needed for day-to-day clinical work. Features include: two appendices, covering medical abbreviations and terms/notations, and common anatomic terms; illustrated hints, questions and information on drugs, equipment, and procedures; and new chapters on Overview of Health Care Systems, Home Diagnostic Tests, Documentation of Pharmacy Practice, Over-the-Counter Products, Patient Counseling, Public Health Practices, and Approaches to Evaluating Drug-Related Problems.


Preface  1 Overview of Health Care System   2 Professional Practice Exeriences: Goals, Objectives, andActivities   3 Standards of Professional Conduct   4 Providing Drug Information   5 Physical Examination   6 Clinical Laboratory Tests   7 Diagnostic Procedures   8 Home Test Kits and Monitoring Devices   9 Drug Administration   10 Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy   11 EnteralNutrition  12 Parenteral Nutrition   13 Common Calculations in Pharmacy Practice   14 Clinical Pharmacokinetics   15 Clinical Drug Monitoring   16 Documentation in Pharmacy Practice: A Pharmacist-Lawyer's    Perspective  17  Over-the-Counter Drug Therapy 18  Patient Consultation in the Cycle of Patient Care 19  Public Health Practices 20  Approaches to Evaluating Drug-Related ProblemsAppendixⅠ:Medical Abbreviations, Terms, andNotationsAppendixⅡ:Common Anatomic TermsIndex



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