
出版時間:2005-11  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Gottlieb, Laurie N./ Feeley, Nancy/ Dalton, Cindy  頁數(shù):174  


The Collaborative Partnership Approach to Care: A Delicate Balance, 1e, brings together the insights and discoveries by expert clinicians and teachers who use a collaborative approach to care. The primary focus of this book is on the relationships between professionals and the people they care for -- not just between professionals. Based on the "McGill Model of Nursing", the authors stress the value of working in collaboration with the client, family, or community. Written for nursing students of all levels, it also will be of interest to health care and mental health professionals.  Uses a variety of formats to present ideas about collaboration.  Describes ideas about collaboration from the perspective of expert clinicians who have been using collaboration as their approach to nursing care.   Integrates quotes from interviews with expert clinicians to illustrate ideas about collaboration.   Uses examples from clinical practice to help the reader understand how these theoretical ideas are translated into practice.   Describes ideas used in teaching students about collaboration.  Raises questions that can guide further research in this area.


Laurie N. Gottlieb is a professor at the School of Nursing at McGill University and holds the Flora Madeline Shaw Chair of Nursing there. She is editor of the CJNR (Canadian Journal of Nursing Research). She holds an M.Sc.(A) in nursing and a Ph.D. in developmental psychology. She participated in the original research on the McGill Model of Nursing and has researched, published, and extensively lectured on the model.


PART Ⅰ THE COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIP  CHAPTER 1  Foundations of Collaborative Partnership     Traditional Hierarchical Relationships vs. Collaborative Partnerships     The Philosophical Stance Underlying the Collaborative Partnership     The Collaborative Partnership: A Definition       Power Sharing in the Collaborative Partnership       The Focus on Mutually Agreed-On, Person-Centred Goals       Collaboration as a Dynamic Process     Cooperation and Patient Participation: Related Concepts     Principles of the Collaborative Partnership     Why Collaborative Partnership ls Important Today: The Six Forces       Force 1: Consumerism and Patient Rights       Force 2: Primary Health Care and Health Promotion Principles       Force 3: Access to Health Information       Force 4: Current Thinking about Nursing and Ethical Nursing Care       Force 5: The Shift from Hospital to Home-Based Care       Force 6: Knowledge of How People Change     Is a Collaborative Approach Effective?     Do People Want to Participate in a Collaborative Partnership with Professionals?     What Do People Who Have Experienced a Collaborative Partnership Say about This Experience?     What Do Nurses and Other Professionals Say about Collaboration?     Conclusion     Key Terms     Suggested Readings   CHAPTER 2  The Essential Ingredients of a Collaborative Partnership     Sharing Power       Knowledge Is Power       Preconditions for Power Sharing     Being Open and Respectful     Being Nonjudgmental and Accepting     Living with Ambiguity     Being Self-Aware and Reflective     Conclusion     Key Terms     Suggested Readings   CHAPTER 3  The Spiralling Model of Collaborative Partnership     Phase 1: Exploring and Getting to Know Each Other       Exchanging Information       Establishing Trust       Revealing Concerns     Phase 2: Zeroing In       Clarifying Goals       Prioritizing Goals and Focusing     Phase 3: Working Out       Considering Alternatives       Trying Out a Plan     Phase 4: Reviewing     Conclusion     Key Terms     Suggested Readings   CHAPTER 4  Factors That Shape the Collaborative Partnership     Timing: Knowing When the Time Is Right     Nurse and Person Personal Factors       Beliefs and Expectations       Knowledge       Critical Thinking Skills       Learning Styles       Readiness       Communication and Interpersonal Skills       Physical and Mental Status     Relationship Factors       History of the Relationship       Goodness of Fit     Environmental, Organizational, and Other Situational Factors     How to Use This Knowledge to Promote Collaborative Partnership     Conclusion     Key Terms     Suggested Readings   CHAPTER 5  Nursing Strategies for a Collaborative Partnership     Strategies for Sharing Power     Strategies for Conveying Openness and Respect     Strategies for Being Nonjudgmental and Accepting     Strategies for Being Flexible or Being Able to Live with Ambiguity     Strategies for Being Self-Aware and Reflective     Conclusion     Key Terms     Suggested Readings   ……PART Ⅱ ASK THE EXPERTSGlossaryReferences



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