Frommeris Venice Day by Day, 1st Edition威尼斯每日導覽

出版時間:2006-2  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Brewer, Stephen  頁數:180  


At last, a travel guide that tells you how to see the best of everything-in the smartest, most time-efficient way.     The best of Venice in one, two, or three days   Thematic tours for every interest, schedule, and taste   Walking tours of the city's best-loved neighborhoods   Hundreds of evocative color photos   Bulleted maps that show you how to go from place to place   Hotels, restaurants, shopping, and nightlife for all budgets   A tear-resistant foldout map-enclosed in a handy plastic wallet you can also use for tickets and souvenirs作者簡介:  Stephen Brewer stepped off a train in Venice many years ago, took one look atthe Grand Canal, and decided he agreed with Marcel Proust in think-ing "When I went to Venice, my dream became my address." He enjoys many other beautiful places, too, and often writes about them. He is the coauthor of Frammer's Best Day Trips from London and The Unofficial Guide to England and the forthcoming Unofficial Guide to Ireland, both published by Wiley, as well as other books and magazine articles.


10 Favorite Moments1 The Best Full-Day Tours The Best of Venice in One Day The Best of Venice in Two Days The Best of Venice in Three Days2 The Best Special-Interest Tours Venice’s Grand Canal Best Places to See the Byzantine Venice’s Best Churches Best Places to See Art The Accademia Great Venetian Palazzi to Visit Venice’s Best Campos Venice’s Most Memorable Views Places to Escape the Crowds Venice’s Most Photogenic Ponti Best Places to Explore Venetian Craftsmanship3 The Best Neighborhood Walks Castello & Sant’Elena Santa Croce & Dorsoduro Cannaregio & the Ghetto4 The Best Shopping Shopping Best Bets San Marco & Castello Shopping Cannaregio Shopping Murano Shopping Dorsoduro & Giudecca Shopping San Polo & Santa Croce Shopping Venice Shopping A to Z5 The Great Outdoors A Waterside Walk The Lido6 The Best Dining Dining Best Bets San Marco & Castello Dining Cannaregio Dining Dorsoduro Dining San Polo & Santa Croce Dining The Islands Dining Venice Restaurants A to Z7 The Best Nightlife Nightlife Best Bets San Marco & Dorsoduro Nightlife Santa Croce, San Polo & Cannaregio Nightlife Venice Nightlife A to Z8 The Best Arts & Entertainment Arts & Entertainment Best Bets Santa Croce & San Polo A&E Cannaregio, San Marco & Castello Venice A&E A to Z9 The Best Lodging Lodging Best Bets San Marco & Castello Lodging Cannaregio Lodging Dorsoduro & Giudecca Lodging The Lido & Torcello Lodging San Polo & Santa Croce Lodging Venice Hotels A to Z10 The Best Day Trips Padua (Padova) Verona Brenta CanalThe Savvy Traveler Before You Go Getting There Getting Around Fast Facts Venice: A Brief History Venetian Art & Architecture Useful Phrases & Menu TermsIndex



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