在線企業(yè)參考大全 Starting an Online Business All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

出版時間:2006年10月  出版社:For Dummies (2006年10月2日)  作者:Shannon Belew  頁數(shù):814  


Eleven minibooks comprising nearly 800 pages offer would-be online entrepreneurs all the information they need to launch an e-business and succeed in today's marketplace     Unlike competing guides, this book explains how to redesign a site, retool marketing strategies, and run a nonprofit site as well as offering in-depth coverage of how to secure a site and move from retail to e-tail     Minibooks cover online business basics, legal and accounting matters, Web site design, operational issues once a business is up and running, Internet security, how to boost sales, taking a brick-and-mortar business online, storefront selling at eBay and elsewhere, fundraising at a nonprofit site, running a niche e-business, and advanced e-commerce techniques and strategies


Introduction Book I: Online Business Basics   Chapter 1: Starting from Scratch   Chapter 2: Turning Internet Dreams into Reality   Chapter 3: Get with the Plan: Creating Your Business Plan   Chapter 4: Financing Your Online Start-Up   Chapter 5: Creating Online Policies   Chapter 6: Setting Up Shop: Everything You Need for Online Efficiency Book II: Legal and Accounting   Chapter 1: Minding the Law   Chapter 2: To Inc or Not to Inc   Chapter 3: The Trademark-and-Copyright Two-Step   Chapter 4: Accounting for Taxes (And Then Some) Book III: Web Site Design   Chapter 1: What’s in a (Domain) Name?   Chapter 2: Designing Customer-Friendly Sites   Chapter 3: Building a Site Made for You   Chapter 4: Finding the Host with the Most   Chapter 5: Sizzling Content that Optimizes Searches   Chapter 6: Lights, Camera, Action! Taking Your Site Live Book IV: Online and Operating   Chapter 1: Determining Your Revenue Model   Chapter 2: Making Money with Affiliate Programs   Chapter 3: Selling Information for Profit   Chapter 4: Paying Up with the Right Payment Options   Chapter 5: Putting the (Shopping) Cart before the Horse   Chapter 6: Taking Inventory   Chapter 7: Fulfilling Expectations and Orders Book V: Internet Security   Chapter 1: Understanding Security and Your Risks   Chapter 2: Developing a Security Plan   Chapter 3: Attacked! What to Expect from the Net-Thief   Chapter 4: Securing Your Site and Your Business   Chapter 5: Flying without Wires: Security Concerns in the Wireless World Book VI: Boosting Sales   Chapter 1: Driving Traffic, Driving Sales   Chapter 2: Special-Edition Public Relations for the Web   Chapter 3: Web Marketing at Work   Chapter 4: Converting Browsers to Buyers   Chapter 5: Analyzing and Monitoring Your Customers   Chapter 6: Mastering Search Engines, Optimization, and Rankings Book VII: Retail to E-Tail   Chapter 1: Deciding to Move Your Store Online   Chapter 2: Understanding the Differences between Real and Virtual Customers   Chapter 3: Window Dressing for the Online Display   Chapter 4: Making In-Store Customers Loyal Online Shoppers   Chapter 5: Troubleshooting the Transition to E-Tail Book VIII: Storefront Selling   Chapter 1: Instant E-Commerce with Storefronts   Chapter 2: Mastering the Amazon   Chapter 3: Let’s Hear It for Yahoo!   Chapter 4: Making eBay THE Way   Chapter 5: New Storefronts, New Opportunities Book IX: Fundraising Sites   Chapter 1: Raining Donations: Why Not-for-Profit Is Big Business Online   Chapter 2: Adding Online Moneymakers to an Existing Site   Chapter 3: Getting the Donor Base to Come to You   Chapter 4: More Online Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations   Chapter 5: Legal Considerations for Nonprofit Organizations Book X: Niche E-Commerce   Chapter 1: Discovering Niche Markets   Chapter 2: Over 50 and BOOMING   Chapter 3: Women and Children Only   Chapter 4: Crossing Borders and Selling Internationally   Chapter 5: Micro-Commerce Book XI: E-Commerce Advanced   Chapter 1: Overhauling the Business   Chapter 2: Time to Redesign   Chapter 3: Expanding Products to Increase Stagnant Sales   Chapter 4: Bringing Former Customers (Back) Home   Chapter 5: Revisiting Marketing Strategies   Chapter 6: Hiring Experts to Get Business Rolling Again   Chapter 7: Transitioning a Small Site into Big Business Index



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