Frommer's Amsterdam Day by Day (平裝)

出版時間:2006-1  出版社:Frommer's  作者:Haas Mroue  頁數(shù):182  


At last, a travel guide that tells you how to see the best of everything-in the smartest, most time-efficient way.   The best of Amsterdam in one, two, or three days   Thematic tours for every interest, schedule, and taste   Walking tours of the city's best-loved neighborhoods   Hundreds of evocative color photos   Bulleted maps that show you how to go from place to place   Hotels, restaurants, shopping, and nightlife for all budgets     A tear-resistant foldout map-enclosed in a handy plastic wallet you can also use for tickets and souvenirs


Haas Mroue is a freelance travel writer based in the United States; he graduated from UCLA Film School and holds an M.A. in Literature from the University of Colorado, Boulder. He has been published in many journals and magazines, including The Literary Review, Virtuoso Life Magazine, Out & About, and the Michigan Quarterly Review. He has written for Encyclopaedia Britanica, National Geographic, and Berlitz Travel Guides, and his creative work has aired on the BBC World Service and on Starz! cable channel. He’s the author of Frommer’s Memorable Walks in Paris, Frommer’s Paris from $95 a Day, and is a contributor to Frommer’s Europe from $85 a Day, Frommer’s South America, and Frommer’s Argentina & Chile.


Favorite Moments1 The Best Full-Day Tours  The Best in One Day  The Best in Two Days  The Best in Three Days 2 The Best Special-Interest Tours  Amsterdam for Art Lovers  Architectural Amsterdam  Amsterdam with Kids  Maritime Amsterdam  Alternative Amsterdam 3 The Best Neighborhood Walks  Golden Age Canals  The Jordaan  The Jewish Quarter  The Old Center 4 The Best Shopping  Shopping Best Bets  Amsterdam Shopping A to Z 5 The Best of the Outdoors  Strolling in Vondelpark  Touring Amsterdam by Canal Bike  Biking along the Amstel River 6 The Best Dining  Dining Best Bets  Amsterdam Restaurants A to Z 7 The Best Nightlife  Nightlife Best Bets Nightlife A to Z 8 The Best Arts & Entertainment  Arts & Entertainment Best Bets  Arts & Entertainment A to Z 9 The Best Lodging  Lodging Best Bets  Amsterdam Hotels A to Z 10 The Best Day Trips & Excursions  Haarlem The Hague & Scheveningen  Delft  Rotterdam The Savvy Traveler  Before You Go  Getting There  Getting Around  Fast Facts  Amsterdam: A Brief History  Golden Age Art  Useful Phrases & Menu Terms  Toll-Free Numbers & Websites Index




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