出版時間:2005-2  出版社:Frommer's  作者:Goodwin, Bill  頁數(shù):599  


Frommer's Dollar-A-Day guides show you how to travel in style—without breaking the bank. You'll find inexpensive accommodations that don't skimp on comfort. Affordable restaurants where locals go for a good meal. And all the best sightseeing and shopping values. Frommer's Dollar-A-Day guidebooks. First-class travel on a budget.   Everything You Need for an Unforgettable—and Affordable—Trip!   Inviting places to stay, from budget beachfront resorts to family-friendly motels to romantic bed & breakfasts for as little as $20 per night!   Great dining at unbelievably low prices, from a $6 seafood platter to all-you-can-eat stone crab feasts.   Tips on saving money and avoiding crowds at Walt Disney World®, Universal Studios®, SeaWorld®, Busch Gardens®, and other theme parks.   What to see and do for free (or almost): spring training, scenic drives, nature walks, shell hunting, and more.   Low-cost nightlife: cozy pubs, live music, people watching, and more.   Detailed, accurate two-color city and regional maps.


List of MapsWhat's New in Florida1 The Best of Florida from S70 a Day  1 The Best Beaches 2 The Best Destinations for Low-Cost Vacations 3 The Best Experiences You Can Have for Free (or Almost Free)  4 The Best Family Attractions  5 The Best Golf Courses with Greens Fees That Won't Break Your Budget 6 The Best of Natural Florida 7 The Best Affordable Accommodations 8 The Best Places to Stay on a Shoestring 9 The Best Camping 10 The Best Affordable Restaurants 11 The Best Deals for Serious Shoppers 12 The Best Bars & Nightspots Outside of Miami2 Planning an Affordable Trip to Florida 1 50 Money-Saving Tips 2 The Regions in Brief 3 Visitor Information 4 Money 5 When to Go Florida Calendar of Events The Boys of Spring 6 Health & Safety 7 Specialized Travel Resources 8 Getting There  9 Planning YourTrip Online 10 Packages for the Independent 11 Special-lnterestTrips 12 Getting Around 13 Tips on Accommodations 14 Recommended Books3 For International Visitors 1 Preparing for YourTrip 2 Getting to the U.S……4 Miami5 The Keys6 The Everglades &Biscayne National Park7 The Gold Coast:Hallandale to the Palm Beaches8 The Treasure Coast:Stuart to Sebastian9 Southwesl Florida10 The Tampa Bay Area11 Walt Disney World &Orlando12 Northeast Florida13 Northwest Florida:The PanhandleIndex



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