出版時間:2005-3 作者:Melanie Bien 著 頁數(shù):328
Being good with money is about geeing into good habitsand understanding the choices you can make.Written in plain English,this book gives you the confidence to plot where you r money goes,to know your limits,and to choose the right financial products for a wealthier futu re.Once you’ve sorted out your finances you’II get much more pleasu re from the money you spend and the money you save.
Melanie Bien iS associate director (head of media relations)at Savills Private Finance,the indeDendent mortgage broker.She was personal finance editor of theIndependent on Sunday for five years and writes freelance property features for national newspa
IntroductionPart Ⅰ: Organising your Finances Chapter 1: Exploring the Basics Chapter 2: Taking Stock of Your Financial Goals and Seeking Advice Chapter 3: Choosing the Best Current Account for You Chapter 4: Guarding Against the Unknown: InsurancePart Ⅱ: Dealing with Debt Chapter 5: Seeing Red: Tackling Your Overdraft Chapter 6: Flexing the Plastic: Choosing a Credit Card, Chapter 7: Navigating Personal Loans Chapter 8: Avoiding Credit Nasties and Getting Out of DebtPart Ⅲ: Building Up Savingsand Investments Chapter 9: Saving for a Rainy Day Chapter 10: Making the Most of Tax-Free Savings and Investments Chapter 11: Building Up an Investment Portfolio Chapter 12: Finding Safety in Numbers with Collective Funds Chapter 13: DIY Investing: Opting for Shares Chapter 14: Safe as Houses - Choosing a MortgagePart Ⅳ: Taking Care of the Future Chapter 15: Planning for Retirement and Beyond Chapter 16: Getting to Grips with Company Pensions Chapter 17: Examining Personal Pensions and Stakeholder Schemes Chapter 18: Coping in RetirementPart Ⅴ: The Part of Tens Chapter 19: Ten Tips to Get Out of Debt and Save Cash Chapter 20: Coping with Ten Events Life May Throw at You Chapter 21: Ten Golden Rules for Sorting Out Your FinancesAppendix: ResourcesIndex