Suzy Gershman's Born to Shop New York /S. Gershman愛逛紐約商店

出版時間:2000-4  出版社:Frommer's  作者:Gershman, Suzy  頁數(shù):350  


For nearly twenty years, Suzy Gershman has been leading savvy shoppers to the world's best finds. Now Born to Shop New York is easier to use and packed with more up-to-date listings than ever before. The best of Manhattan's shopping scene. From world-renowned department stores to hip boutiques--with plenty of coverage of the hottest downtown neighborhoods Great values on everything from bath and beauty items to wedding gowns--plus insider tips on sample sales, flea markets, and factory outlets Terrific gift ideas, even for the friend who has everything plus the best gifts for under $10 Tips on finding the best hotel and dining values--so you can maximize your shopping dollars.


To Start With1  The Best of New York2  New York Details3  Shopping Tips for International Visitors4  Eating & Sleeping in New York5  Uptown Shopping Neighborhoods: West6  Uptown Shopping Neighborhoods: East7  Downtown Shopping Neighborhoods8  New York Resources A to Z9  New York Beauty10  New York Home11  New York BargainsIndex



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