
出版時間:2004-12  出版社:Free Press  作者:Maria Rodale; Maya Rodale  頁數(shù):318  


What'sy0ur pleasure? However you define it, pleasure is vital to every woman's life--to your life  especially in today's hard-driving, hard working society. Yet most women have lost sight of their vital need for pleasure, and feel guilty for taking even ten minutes for them-selves- they don't want to seem self-indulgent, or theycan't afford the time, or they're too busy taking care of other people instead of themselves.   For your own sake  and ultimately for your loved ones  it's high time you dropped the guilt and took backy0ur pleasure. In It's My Pleasure, Maria Rodale,the dynamic leader of a powerful lifestyle corporation who successfully revolutionized her own business, and Maya Rodale, her talented writer daughter, show you how to create a pleasure revolution in your own life--to stop hiding your pleasure and incorporate it fully into everything you do, no matter what your age, situation, or religious background. In the Rodales' exciting vision of every woman's potential, pleasure is not a simple, momentary experience to be segregated into a few minutes a day. It's endemic to women's bod- ies, minds, and experiences on Earth. And it's essential foryoztr health and success.


INTRODUCTIONSECTION ONE: What's Your Pleasure? First, Find Yourself  1. GO TO YOUR ROOM: Pleasure starts  The pleasure of Sundays--Maria    in the quiet of your own heart    A bed~office~dining~living room of my own--Maya    DO IT: Be alone in your room for two uninterrupted hours    LIST: Top ten things to do alone in your room    IN HER OWN VOICE: Georgia O'Keeffe    PLEASURE REVOLUTIONARY: Georgia O'Keeffe  2. USE YOUR FEAR AS YOUR GUIDE: Pleasure may seem scary at first, but it doesn't bite    Facing my faux fears--Maria    A life lived in fear Is a life half lived--Maya    DO IT: Make a list of your fears and tackle one of them    LIST: Things we thankfully don't have to be afraid of anymore     United States, anyway    N HER OWN VOICE: Nancy Drew    PLEASURE REVOLUTIONARY    Nancy Drew, girl detective  3. BE CURIOUS: Pleasure appears when you search for it    Tell me why--Maria    Pan d o ra's "box "--Maya    DO IT: Research something you are curious about    LIST: The questions we asked ourselves which led to us writing this book    IN HER OWN VOICE: Dr. Helen Fisher    PLEASURE REVOLUTIONARY: Helen Fisher, doctor of love  4. DISCOVER WHAT YOU LIKE AND DON'T LIKE: Pleasure is personal    The long and torturous process of finding out--Maria    You don't have to like it. Just try it--Maya    DO IT: Make a list of everything you really like and really don't like    LIST: Ten things worth trying    IN HER OWN VOICE: Veronica Franco    PLEASURE REVOLUTIONARY: Veronica Franco--The sacred prostitute  5. EXAMINE YOUR RELIGION: Pleasure is embedded in the roots of all religions, but threatened in the translation    Losing my religion, finding my faith--Maria    What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding--Maya    DO IT: Pretend you had to create your own religion    LIST: Six things religion got right    IN HER OWN VOICE: Riane Eisler    PLEASURE REVOLUTIONARY: Riane Eisler, professor of pleasure  6.UNDERSTAND OUR LONG AND ILLUSTRIOUS TRADITION    Pleasure is ancient    How my paradigm changed--Maria    Taking off the corset--Maya    DO IT: Delve into our common history    LIST: Seeing our holidays in a new light    IN HER OWN VOICE: Mary Magdalene    PLEASURE REVOLUTIONARY: Mary Magdalene  7.ENJOY YOUR BODY: Pleasure starts inside of you    From shame and guilt to acceptance~Maria    Bodily fictions--Maya    DO IT: Sleep naked……IN THE ENDACKNOWLEDGMENTSINDEX



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