出版時間:2004-12  出版社:Kaplan  作者:Robert Marantz  頁數(shù):334  


The taunt shouldn't have bothered Will. But as his friend's wailing faded, the warning rang loud in Will's head, and he automatically reached down to touch his scar. Edginess overtook him as he walked toward his house. Rounding a bend, Will glanced at the rusted iron gates marking the entrance to Stone Manor, the one-time home of Algernon McAllister.   Stone Manor must have been an impressive sight in its day. Four stories tall with over 40 rooms, the mansion reflected its owner's larger-than-life personality. With its domed roof, the place resembled a medieval cathedral. The façade was decorated with sculptures in relief and a colonnade. Named Stone Manor because of the Italian marble that once adorned its exterior, the sobriquet still applied today, despite the overabundance of moss and ivy that covered the now dilapidated shell.   Over the years, "word was" that McAllister's restless spirit haunted the old mansion. People claimed to hear noises emanating from the house -- cries, whispers, and screams. It had been unoccupied for as long as anyone could remember. Even in daylight, there was something menacing about the place. The dark windows seemed to study Will as he passed. He tried to stare back, but quickly lost his nerve.   Will glanced down, tracing the crooked laceration on his arm. It brought back memories of that fateful October day seven years ago, though he still wasn't clear about exactly what had happened. His parents had assured him it was all his imagination -- that he had probably just taken a bad fall. Ghosts didn't exist. Perhaps, he thought, but there was much veracity to the stories about the place -- enough for him to believe even now. Unable to expunge these thoughts, he started to sprint, running past Stone Manor to his house next door.


AcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorIntroducitonThe Ring of McAllisterAppendixes:  Glossary  Root List



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