
出版時間:2004-12  出版社:Aspen Publishers  作者:Robert E. Oliphant,Nancy Ver Steegh 著  頁數(shù):449  


A favorite among law students and professors alike, the Examples & Explanations series is ideal for studying, reviewing and testing your understanding through application of hypothetical examples. Authored by leading professors with extensive classroom experience, Examples & Explanations titles offer hypothetical questions in the subject area, complemented by detailed explanations that allow you to test your knowledge of the topic, and compare your own analysis.


ContentsPrefaceAcknowledgmentsChapter 1. Marriage——History, Restrictions, and RequirementsChapter 2. AnnulmentsChapter 3. Who May Divorce? Restrictions and RequirementsChapter 4. JurisdictionChapter 5. Child CustodyChapter 6. Modifying Custody——RelocationChapter 7. Interstate Custody Struggles: The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act and the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act——History, Restrictions, and RequirementsChapter 8. Visitation and Parenting TimeChapter 9. Child SupportChapter 10. Child Support Modification and EnforcementChapter 11. Alimony and NecessariesChapter 12. Modifying AlimonyChapter 13. Dividing the Marital Estate upon DivorceChapter 14. Premarital (Antenuptial or Prenuptial) Agreements,——History, Requirements, and RestrictionsChapter 15. Cohabitation Without Formal MarriageChapter 16. Determining PaternityChapter 17. AdoptionChapter 18. Alternative Reproduction——History, Restrictions,and RequirementsChapter 19. Medical Rights of MinorsChapter 20. Domestic ViolenceChapter 21. Child Abuse and Termination of Parental RightsChapter 22. Tax Issues in Family Law MattersChapter 23. Name ChangesChapter 24. Family Privacy and WiretapsChapter 25. MediationChapter 26. Professional ResponsibilityTable of CasesIndex



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