護理證據Evidence for Nursing Practice

出版時間:2004-12  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Courtney, Mary  頁數:234  


Evidence for Nursing Practice is a unique text written by an expert from Australia and provides clear and practical step-by-step guidance on finding, appraising and using appropriate evidence for everyday use in a health care setting. This book takes a how-to approach and offers sound advice and information to assist nurses in a range of key areas within their clinical practice.


PrefaceContributorsPart 1 Introduction 1 Evidence-based nursing practice Mary Courtney, Claire Rickard, Joy Vickerstaff and Anthea Court  1.1 Learning objectives  1.2 Introduction  1.3 What is 'evidence-based practice'?  1.4 What are the benefits of evidence-based practice?  1.5 What are the alternatives to evidence-based practice?  1.6 Why the rapid spread of evidence-based practice?  1.7 Where is the evidence located?  1.8 Major structures promoting evidence-based practice  1.9 How can evidence be incorporated into nursing practice?  1.10 What is the state of evidence?  1.11 What are the challenges for nursing education and research?  1.12 Discussion questions  1.13 References Appendix 1.1 National Institute for Clinical Studies: clinical priority areas .. Appendix 1.2 Joanna Briggs Institute Collaborating CentresPart 2 How to search for current best evidence 2 Using the right type of evidence to answer clinical questions  2.1 Learning objectives  2.2 Introduction  2.3 Types of evidence  2.4 Conclusion  2.5 Discussion questions    2.6 References 3  Quantitative research designs  3.1 Learning objectives  3.2 Introduction  3.3 Philosophical underpinnings of quantitative research  3.4 The quantitative research process  3.5 The ideal quantitative research design  3.6 Less-than-ideal but practical quantitative research designs  3.7 Conclusion  3.8 Discussion questions  3.9 References 4 Qualitative research designs  4.1 Learning objectives  4.2 Introduction  4.3 What is qualitative research?  4.4 Research questions  4.5 Methodology  4.6 Evidence-based practice and qualitative findings  4.7 Critique  4.8 Conclusion  4.9 Discussion questions  4.10 References 5 The systematic review process  5.1 Learning objectives  5.2 Introduction  5.3 The systematic review process  5.4 Conclusion  .  5.5 Discussion questions  5.6 ReferencesPart 3 How to critically appraise the evidence 6 Effectiveness of nursing interventions  6.1 Learning objectives  6.2 Introduction  6.3 What are nursing interventions? 7 Assessing the effectiveness of screening and diagnostic tests 8 Outcomes for evidence-based nursing practicePart 4 Implementing evidence in practice 9 Developing a culture of inquiry to sustain evidence-based practice  10 Undertaking a clinical audit 11 Undertaking a program evaluation 12 Development and use of evidence-based guidelinesPart 5 Measurement of nursing health outcomes 13 Instruments for measuring symptoms  14 Instruments to measure health-related quality of life as a nursing outcomeIndex



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