臨床眼科基本原則 Fundamentals of Clinical Ophthalmology

出版時(shí)間:2002-1  出版社:北京科文圖書業(yè)信息技術(shù)有限公司  作者:Douglas Coster  頁(yè)數(shù):186  


The cornea is the ecosystem that connects the internal with the external eye. Defects and disorders in this delicate layer of tissue are frequent, painful and potentially damaging to the internal functioning of the eye. Conversely, disorders of the conjunctiva, eyelids, and tear mechanisms can affect the cornea.      This concise, practical text discusses this interrelationship, giving a comprehensive overview of the cornea and its common disorders, with the emphasis on diagnosis and treatment. Outstanding colour illustrations provide added diagnostic information.    Contents include:    ·Foundations of keratology    ·The comea and in flammation    ·crneal ulceration    ·superfical keratopathy    ·corneal complications of contact lens wear    ·interstitial keratitis    ·proliferaive lesions    ·corneal ectasia    ·herpes simplex virus keratitis    ·corneal trauma    ·corneal dystrophies    ·corneal transplantation    ·medical therapy for corneal disease    ·procedures    ·therapy of corneal disorder    Written by leading international specialists in the cornea, this book joins the Fundamentals in Clinical Ophthalmology series as an ideal reference for all practising ophthalmologists, and those in specialist training.   Other titles in the Fundamentals of clinical Ophthalmology series:   Cataract surgery   Glaucoma   Neuro-opthalmology   Paediatric Ophthalmology   Plastic and orbital surgery   Scleritis   Strabismus   Uveitis


Prcfacc to thc Fundamentals  of chinicalOphthalmo&#v seriesPrefaceAcknowledgements   1 Foundations ofkeratology   2 The cornea and infimnn,ation:diagnosing the red eye   3 Corneal ulceration   4 Superficial keratopathy   5 Corneal complications of contact lens wear   6 Intcrstitial kcratitis   7 Prollferative lesions   8 Corneal ectasia:acquired abnormalities ofcorneal shape   9 Herpes simplex virus keratitis  10 Corneal trauma  11 Corneal dystrophies  12 Corneal transplantation  13 Medical therapy for corneal disease  14 procedures  15 therapy of corneal disordersIndex



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