
出版時間:2004-1  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:White MD, Gary M.  頁數(shù):387  


  The 3rd Edition of this popular reference presents a superb collection of over 600 illustrations of both common and rare skin disorders and is fully updated to reflect changing clinical practices and incidences of disease. This pocket-sized text offers excellent representation of all skin types, along with full explanatory captions for each illustration. It also includes is a glossary of dermatological morphological descriptions and comprehensive index.  A thorough caption describes the key clinical features of each illustration.   A glossary at the beginning of the book defines dermatological morphology.  Coverage of both pediatric and adult patients equips readers to recognize specific skin conditions in people of all ages.  Representation of all skin types accurately reflects the diversity of the patient population.  The compact, pocket-size format facilitates reference in any setting.


SectionMORPHOLOGYSection 2 PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY Congenital and newborn diseases nfantile dermatoses Atopic dermatitis Genodermatoses: inherited syndromes Ichthyoses Diseases of childhood Childhood rashesSection 3 ADULT DERMATOLOGY Ache and related conditions Allergic contact dermatitis Occupational medicine Black dermatoses Bullous disorders Connective tissue disorders Drug-related disorders Eczematous dermatoses Hair disorders HIV-related dermatoses Bacterial infections Superficial fungal infections Deep fungal and tropical infections Sexually transmitted and other genital diseases Viral infections Infestations and bites Inflammatory disorders Keratoses, tags, and fibromas Nail disorders Oral mucosa Photodistributed disorders Nevi and melanoma Pigmentary disorders Pregnancy-related dermatoses Psoriasis, lichen planus, and related disorders Skin manifestations of systemic disease Sun damage/non-melanoma skin cancers Tumors and nodules Urticarias Vascular lesions Vasculopathies MiscellaneousIndex



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