
出版時間:2004-11  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Friedman, Neil J., M.D./ Kaiser, Peter K., M.D./ Trattler, William B., M.D.  頁數(shù):390  


"Gives the reader all they need, with no additional fluff or esoteric information. This information is given in bite-size and palatable chunks of data." (Ocular Surgery News). This new resource provides an efficient review of all of the most essential clinical and scientific information in ophthalmology. Its concise, well-illustrated, outline-formatted chapters permit rapid mastery of the material. Questions at the end of each chapter and answers at the end of the book allow readers to test their understanding. Plus, a BONUS CD-ROM includes all of the images from the book, downloadable into presentation software, and all of the questions and answers from the book with 100 extra questions and answers to test your knowledge!


CHAPTER 1  OpticsCHAPTER 2  PharmacologyCHAPTER 3  Embryology/PathologyCHAPTER 4  Neuro-ophthalmologyCHAPTER 5  Pediatrics/StrabismusCHAPTER 6  Orbit/Lids/AdnexaCHAPTER 7 Cornea/External diseaseCHAPTER 8  Uveitis CHAPTER 9  GlaucomaCHAPTER 10  Anterior SegmentCHAPTER 11  Posterior SegmentAnswers to QuestionsAditional ReadingsIndex



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