內(nèi)分泌學(xué) Endocrinology

出版時間:1998-5  出版社:W.B. Saunders Company  作者:Robert Hardin Williams,Daniel W. Foster,Henry M. Kronenberg, P. Reed Larsen 著  


The state-of-the-art, tenth edition of endocrinology's classic text bridges the gap between basic science and endocrinology clinical practice. Thoroughly revised and updated, it includes new material on the thyroid and diabetes mellitus to reflect today's explosive increase in knowledge. Written by an outstanding team of authors, the 10th edition features numerous new authors who provide fresh perspectives.


P. Reed Larsen, MD, FACP, FRCP, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Hypertension, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA; Henry M.


SECTION 1 HORMONES AND  HORMONE ACTION  1  Principles of Endocrinology  2  Genetic Control of Hormone Formation  3  Measurement of Hormones  4  Mechanisms of Action of Hormones That Act as Transcription-Regulatory Factors  5  Mechanism of Action of Hormones That Act at the Cell Surface  6  Pathogenesis of Endocrine Tumors  7  Autoimmunity and the Endocrine System SECTION 2 HYPOTHALAMUS AND PITUITARY  8  Neuroendocrinology  9  The Anterior Pituitary  10  Posterior Pituitary and Water MetabolismSECTION 3 THYROID  11  The Thyroid GlandSECTION 4 ADRENAL  12  The Adrenal Cortex  13  Catecholamines and the Adrenal Medulla  14  Endocrine HypertensionSECTION 5 REPRODUCTION  15  Disorders of the Ovaries and Female Reproductive Tract  16  Disorders of the Testes and the Male Reproductive Tract  17  Endocrine Disorders of the Breast  18  Fertility Control and Its Complications  10  Sexual Function and DysfunctionSECTION 6 FUEL HOMEOSTASIS  20  Glucose Homeostasis and Hypoglycemia  21  Diabetes Mellitus  22  Eating Disorders: Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa, and Bulimia  23  Disorders of Lipid MetabolismSECTION 7  MINERAL METABOLISM  24 Hormones and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism  25  Metabol iC Bone Disease  26  Kidney StonesSECTION 8  DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH  27  Endocri ne Changes of Pregnancy  28  Endocrinology of Fetal Development  29 Disorders Of Sex Differentiation  30  Normal and Aberrant G rowth  31 Puberty:Ontogeny,Neuroendocrinology,Physiology,and DisordersSECTION 9  POLYENDOCRINE DISORDERS  32  Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia  33  Immunoendocrinopathy Synd romesSECTION 10  PARAENDOCRINE AND NEOPLASTIC SYNDROMES  34  Non—Insulin—Secreting Tumors of the Gastroenteropancreatic System  35  Endocri ne—Responsive Cancer  36  Humoral Manifestations of Malignancy  37  Disorders of Vasodi lator Hormones:Carcinoid Synd rome and MastocytosisINDEX




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