
出版時間:2006-5-12  出版社:Saunders  作者:Michael S. Baggish MD,Mickey M. Karram MD  


Michael S. Baggish, MD, Chairman, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Good Samaritan Hospital; Director, Obstetrics and Gynecology Resident Education, Good Samaritan Hospital, Bethesda North Hospital; Professor, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH; and Mickey M. Karram, MD, Director of Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Director and Founder of the Fellowship Training Program in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH


Section A	IntroductionChapter 1	Introduction to Pelvic Anatomy  NEW!Section B	Anterior Abdominal WallChapter 2	Anatomy of the Lower Abdominal Wall  Chapter 3	Abdominal Incisions  Chapter 4	Abdominal Incision Closure  Chapter 5	Instrumentation NEW!	Section C	UterusChapter 6	Intra-abdominal Pelvic Anatomy  Chapter 7	Dilatation and Curettage NEW! Chapter 8	Abdominal Hysterectomy  Chapter 9	Radical Hysterectomy  Chapter 10	Myomectomy  Chapter 11	Surgical Treatment of Unusual Myoma Conditions  Chapter 12	Unification of Bicornuate Uterus  Chapter 13	Abdominal Cerclage of the Cervix Uteri  Chapter 14	Cesarean Section  Chapter 15	Cesarean Section Hysterectomy  Chapter 16	Hypogastric Artery Ligation Section D	AdnexaChapter 17	Ovarian Cystectomy and Cystotomy  Chapter 18	Surgery for Pyosalpinx, Tubo-ovarian Abscess, and Pelvic AbscessChapter 19	Adhesiolysis  Chapter 20	Surgical Management of Pelvic Endometriosis  Chapter 21	Surgical Management of Ectopic Pregnancy  Chapter 22	Surgical Management of Ovarian Remnant  Chapter 23	Ovarian Tumor Debulking NEW! Chapter 24	Tuboplasty Chapter 25	Tubal SterilizationSection E	Retropubic SpaceChapter 26	Anatomy of Retropubic Space  Chapter 27	Operative Set-up and General Entry into the Retropubic Space  Chapter 28	Retropubic Urethropexy for Stress Incontinence  Chapter 29	Retropubic Paravaginal Repair  Chapter 30	Retropubic VesicourethrolysisSection F	Retroperitoneum and Presacral SpaceChapter 31	Anatomy of the Retroperitoneum and the Presacral Space  Chapter 32	Identifying and Avoiding Ureteral Injury  Chapter 33	Presacral Neurectomy  Chapter 34	Uterosacral Nerve Transection  Chapter 35	Lymph Node SamplingSection G	Abdominal Operations on the Urinary TractChapter 36	Surgical Anatomy of the Bladder and Ureter  Chapter 37	Suprapubic Catheter Placement  Chapter 38	Abdominal Surgeries on the Urinary Bladder  Chapter 39	Ureteral Surgery  Section H	Abdominal Operations for Enterocele and Vault ProlapseChapter 40	Abdominal Enterocele Repair  Chapter 41	High Uterosacral Ligament Suspension with Fascial Reconstruction:		Abdominal Approach  Chapter 42	Abdominal Sacral Colpopexy UNIT II	CERVICAL, VAGINAL, VULVAR, AND PERINEAL SURGERYSection A	Cervical SurgeryChapter 43	Anatomy of the Cervix  Chapter 44	Cervical Biopsy, Endocervical Curettage, and Cervical Biopsy During Pregnancy  (Chapter 45	Conization of the Cervix  Chapter 46	Cervical Polypectomy  Chapter 47	Relief of Cervical Stenosis  Chapter 48	Cervical Cerclage  Chapter 49	Cervical Stump Excision 	Section B	Vaginal SurgeryChapter 50	Anatomy of the Vagina  Chapter 51	Anatomy of the Support of the Anterior and Posterior Vaginal Walls NEW!Chapter 52	Vaginal Hysterectomy  Chapter 53	Vaginal Operations for Prolapse  Chapter 54	Vaginal Operations for Stress Incontinence  Chapter 55	Anatomy of the Urethra  Chapter 56	Vaginal Operations on the Urinary Tract  Chapter 57	Benign Lesions of the Vaginal Wall  Chapter 58	Congenital Vaginal Abnormalities NEW! Chapter 59	Iatrogenic Vaginal Constriction  Chapter 60	Vaginectomy  Chapter 61	Gender Reassignment Surgery (Transsexual Surgery) NEW!Section C	Vulvar and Perineal SurgeryChapter 62	Vulvar and Perineal Anatomy  Chapter 63	Vulvar Biopsy  Chapter 64	Bartholin Duct Cyst and Abscess  Chapter 65	Surgery for Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome (Vulvodynia)  Chapter 66	Wide Excision With or Without Skin Graft  Chapter 67	Laser Excision and Vaporization  Chapter 68	Anatomy of the Groin and Femoral Triangle Chapter 69	Vulvectomy  Chapter 70	Vulvar Hematoma  Chapter 71	Correction of Clitoral Phymosis  Chapter 72	Hymenotomy (Hymenectomy)  Chapter 73	Plastic Repair of the Perineum (Perineorrhaphy)  Chapter 74	Benign Lesions of the Groin and the Canal of Nuck  Chapter 75	Surgery for Other Benign Lesions of the Vulva  Chapter 76	Therapeutic Injection  Chapter 77	Episiotomy NEW!Section D	Perianal and Rectal SurgeryChapter 78	Repair of Perineal Laceration  Chapter 79	Surgery for Anal Incontinence  Chapter 80	Repair of Rectovaginal Fistulas UNIT III	ENDOSCOPYSection A	Hysteroscopic Surgery NEW Section!Chapter 81	Hysteroscopic Instrumentation  Chapter 82	Hysteroscopic Indications and Techniques  Chapter 83	Removal of Uterine Septum  Chapter 84	Ablation Techniques  Chapter 85	Resection of Submucous Myoma  Chapter 86	Complications of Hysteroscopic SurgerySection B	LaparoscopyChapter 87	Pelvic Anatomy from Laparoscopic View NEW!Chapter 88	The Operating Room Suite and Instrumentation  Chapter 89	Trocar Placement  Chapter 90	Diagnostic Laparoscopy  Chapter 91	Laparoscopic-Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy  Chapter 92	Laparoscopic Adnexal Surgery  Chapter 93	Laparoscopic Surgery for Genuine Stress Urinary Incontinence  Chapter 94	Laparoscopic Surgery of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Section C	CystourethroscopyChapter 95	CystourethroscopyUNIT IV	ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES NEW Unit!Section A	The BreastChapter 96	The Breast Section B	Bowel SurgeryChapter 97	Anatomy of the Small and Large Intestine  Chapter 98	Small Bowel Repair/Resection  Chapter 99	Closure of a Simple Transmural Injury to the Small IntestineChapter 100	Appendectomy  Chapter 101	Colon Repair/Colostomy CreationSection C	Trophoblastic Disease NEW Section! Chapter 102	Trophoblastic Disease



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