出版時(shí)間:2004-10 出版社:Saunders 作者:Rolandelli MD MBA, Rolando MD,Bankhead CRNP MS CNSN, Robin,Boullata PharnD BCNSP, Joseph I.,Compher PhD RD CNSD, Charlene W. 頁數(shù):572
This definitive reference presents the most comprehensive, clinically relevant coverage of nutrition in enteral and tube feeding. The New Edition has been completely revamped by a multidisciplinary editorial team to reflect all of the latest technology and nutritional knowledge, as well as the new, collaborative nature of contemporary clinical practice. Plus, a new bonus CD-ROM delivers self-assessment questions and answers, a drug formulary, and a dosage calculator.
SECTION I Introduction 1 The multidisciplinary approach to enteral nutritionSECTION II Physiology of the Alimentary Tract 2 Role of controlled gastrointestinal transit in nutrition and tube feeding 3 Mechanics and significance of gut barrier function and failure 4 Gene expression and nutrition 5 Nutritional requirements across animal speciesSECTION III Nutrient Metabolism 6 Metabolism and life cycle : pregnancy and lactation 7 Nutrient metabolism in children 8 Metabolism in the life cycle : aging 9 Metabolism in acute and chronic illness 10 Fluid and electrolytes 11 Macronutrients 12 Vitamins 13 Minerals and trace elements 14 Non-nutritive dietary supplements : dietary fiber 15 Nutrition and wound healingSECTION IV Principles of Enteral Nutrition 16 Nutrition focused history and physical examination 17 Access to the gastrointestinal tract 18 Enteral formulations : standard 19 Immunonutrition 20 Adminstration of Enteral Nutrition:Initiation Progression and Transition 21 Dietary Supplements ……SECTION V Disease SpecificSECTION VI CancerSECTION VII Transplant