出版時間:2004-12 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div 作者:Reider, Bruce 頁數:383
The fully revised and updated 2nd Edition of this unique text is a must-have for anyone who performs musculoskeletal examinations. For each body region, it presents well-illustrated, step-by-step guidance on assessing alignment, range of motion, muscle strength, and sensation...as well as clear explanations of what abnormal physical findings might mean. The book also features differ¬ential diagnosis tables based on common patient complaints, and provides detailed line drawings that illustrate com¬plex anatomical structures. "Take-Home Points" at the end of every chapter facilitate review.
Chapter 1 Terms and techniques Chapter 2 Shoulder and upper arm Chapter 3 Elbow and forearm Chapter 4 Hand and wrist Chapter 5 Pelvis, hip, and thigh Chapter 6 Knee Chapter 7 Lower leg, foot, and ankle Chapter 8 Cervical and thoracic spine Chapter 9 Lumbar spine Glossary Index