
出版時間:2004-2  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Brooks, Myrna Lafleur/ Gillingham, Elaine Tight  頁數(shù):304  


This work contains hands-on practice with activities that reinforce material taught in the text chapters. The appendix contains tear-out generic hospital forms, actual written physicians' orders, and Evaluation forms. "Skills Practice Software with Transcription of Physicians' Orders CD-ROM for Windows 95" is packaged with the manual, containing audio activities for communication practice, drug cards for referencing, printable hospital forms, HIPAA activities, printable version of physicians' orders, and transcription of physicians' orders.


SECTION 1 Orientation to Hospitals, Medical Centers, and Health Care  Communication Devices and Their Uses SECTION 2 Personal and Professional Skills  Management Techniques and Problem-Solving Skills for Health Unit Coordinating SECTION 3 The Patient's Chart and Transcription of Doctors' Orders  The Patient's Chart  Patient Activity, Patient Positioning, and Nursing Observation Orders  Nursing Treatment Orders  Dietary Orders  Medication Orders  Laboratory Orders and Recording Telephoned Laboratory Results  Diagnostic Imaging Orders  Other Diagnostic Studies  Treatment Orders  Miscellaneous Orders SECTION 4 Health Unit Coordinator Procedures  Admission, Preoperative, and Postoperative Procedures  Recording Vital Signs, Ordering Supplies, Daily Diagnostic Tests, and Filing Appendix A Physicians' Order Sheets  Appendix B Generic Hospital Forms and Examples of Computer Screens That May Be Used as Ordering Requisitions When Computers Are Not Available  Appendix C The Clinical Evaluation Record



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