出版時間:2002-6 出版社:Oversea Publishing House 作者:R. A. L. Bissett 等著 頁數(shù):452
This comprehensive yet concise pocket reference offers a systematic approach to the analysis and interpretation of obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound images. For ease of use, it is divided into 2 distinct sections: Part I addresses the diagnostic information that ultrasound reveals about early pregnancy, fetal well-being and growth, and structural fetal anomalies. Part II helps the practitioner sonographically evaluate pediatric and adolescent patients, as well as fertile and postmenopausal women.
Preface to the First Edition Preface to the Second Edition Introduction List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acknowledgements Part 1 Obstetrics Early Pregnancy Role of Ultrasound in the First Trimester Predictors of Early Pregnancy Failure First Trimester Anatomy that May Mimic Fetal Anomaly Transient First Trimester Fetal Anomalies Intrauterine Fluid Collections that May Mimic a Gestational Sac Empty Gestational Sac Positive hCG without Intrauterine Pregnancy Ultrasound Features of Early Intrauterine Pregnancy Risk Groups for Ectopic Pregnancy Ultrasound Findings in Ectopic Pregnancy Differential Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy Ultrasound Parameters for Measurement of Gestational Age Other Fetal Measurements Causes of Inaccuracy in Estimating Gestational Age from Menstrual History Advantages of Ultrasound Estimation of Gestational Age Corpus Luteum in Early Pregnancy The Cervix in Pregnancy False Positive Findings of Incompetent Cervix Incompetent Cervix: Risk Factors Abortion Fetal Anomalies Detectable on Ultrasound in the First Trimester Fetal Wellbeing and Growth Biophysical Profile Heart Rates in Early Pregnancy Fetal Macrosomia Conditions Associated with an Adverse Outcome in a Structurally and Genetically Normal Infant Patients at Risk of Intrauterine Growth Retardation Causes of Asymmetrical Intrauterine Growth Retardation Problems Associated with Asymmetrical Growth Retardation Causes of Symmetrical Intrauterine Growth Retardation Problems of Children with Symmetrical Growth Retardation Conditions Associated with Elevated Maternal Serum α-Fetoprotein Ultrasound Diagnosis of Zygosity Mortality Rates in Twin Pregnancy Ultrasound Determination of Chorionicity Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome Versus Intrauterine Growth Retardation of One Twin Causes of Increased Risk of Twin Pregnancy Fetal Anomalies Associated with Twin Pregnancy Types of Conjoined Twins Abnormalities Unique to Multiple Gestations Assessment of Amniotic Fluid Volume Causes of Oligohydramnios Causes of Polyhydramnios High Level Echoes in Amniotic Fluid Assessment of Fetal Hydrops Causes of Fetal Hydrops Consequences of Amniotic Band Syndrome Intrauterine Membranes Unassociated with Amniotic Band Syndrome Causes of Uterine Enlargement (Relative to Gestational Age) Small Uterus for Gestational Age Causes of Lower Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy Causes of Per Vaginum Bleeding in Pregnancy Ultrasound Appearances of Placenta Ultrasound Grading of Placenta Causes of Premature Placental Aging Causes of Delayed Placental Aging Variation in Placental Morphology Causes of False Positive Ultrasound Diagnosis of Placenta Previa Placental Echo Poor-Masses Retroplacental Echo-Poor Masses ……Part 2 Gynecology Index
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