
出版時間:2004-1  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Baliga MD MBA, Ragavendra R.  頁數(shù):501  


An MCQ book for medical students, related to Kumar and Clark: Clinical Medicine, but able to be used for general revision by all students, whether or not they are using Kumar and Clark as their main text.  over 1000 self-assessment questions with answers  3 different types of questions: MCQs, 'best of 5' and short answer questions  all 3 types are similar to those used in medical schools throughout clinical years and afterwards for other exams  content of questions derived from Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine   answers derived from Kumar and Clark  questions grouped in chapters that reflect the contents list of Kumar and Clark  cover will be tied into new 5th edition of Kumar and Clark  types of questions have been diversified for this edition - no longer just MCQs  there are now 3 question types: MCQs, 'best of 5', and short answer questions  this will give the book wider appeal - more in keeping with the way exams are going  answers will appear at end of chapter - more convenient; readers' requested it  answers will include explanations - more helpful; again, responding to readers' requests


PrefaceAcknowledgementsForeword to the third editionQuestions and AnswersEthics and communicationInfectious diseases,tropical medicine and STDClinical immunologyNutritionGastrointestinal diseaseLiver,biliary tract and pancreatic diseaseHaematological diseaseMedical oncologyRheumatology and bone diseaseRenal diseaseWater,electrolytes and acid-base balanceCardiovascular Respiratory diseasIntensive caremedicineDrug therapy and poisoningEnvironmental medicineEndocrine diseaseDiabetes mellitus and other disorders of metabolismNeurological diseasePsychological medicineSkin diseas



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