Children's Book 兒童讀本

出版時間:2009-1  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:A. S. Byatt 著  頁數(shù):167  


Into their world comes a young stranger,a working-class boy from the potteries;and in midsummer a German puppeteer arrives,bringing dark dramas.This vivid,rich and moving saga is played out against the great,rippling tides of the day,taking us from the Kent marshes to Paris and Munich,and the trenches of the Somme.    Born at the end of the Victorian era,growing up in the golden summers of Edwardian times,a whole generation grew up unaware of the darkness ahead.In their innocence,they were betrayed unintentionally by the adults who loved them.In a profound sense,this novel is indeed the children's book.



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