Beat the Story Drum 敲響說(shuō)唱鼓

出版時(shí)間:1987-5  出版社:Simon & Schuster  作者:Bryan, Ashley  


  Here are five Nigerian folktales, retold in language as
rhythmic as the beat of the story-drum, and illustrated with
vibrant, evocative woodcuts.


  Ashley Bryan grew up to the sound of his mother singing from
morning to night, and has shared the joy of song with children ever
since. One of our most beloved illustrators, he is this year's
Laura Ingalls Wilder Award winner and has been a May Hill Arbuthnot
lecturer, a Coretta Scott King Award winner (most recently for
Beautiful Blackbird), and the recipient of countless other awards
and recognitions. He lives in Islesford, one of the Cranberry Isles
off the coast of Maine, where he can often be found with a cluster
of children, all singing.



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