
出版時間:2001-6  出版社:7-09999  作者:Mayer, Martin  頁數(shù):350  


  Martin Mayer's engaging examination of the much-talked-about but little understood U.S. Federal Reserve begins with the dramatic events of October 1998, a month in which the market closed "lock limit down" for the first time in almost a decade. At the same time, Alan Greenspan, the Fed's chairman, began radically reinventing his agency's role and its influence on the market. Indeed, while most of the rest of the world's countries were diminishing the role of their central banks, Congress was granting new powers and responsibilities to the Fed. Mayer's book--part history, part journalistic report, and all detailed analysis--looks at the significance of those powers, their benefits and risks, and what they mean to the markets. He also devotes chapters to the day-to-day inner workings of the Fed, its influence in international financial matters, and its possible role in coming years.  As a prolific author and respected economics scholar, Mayer has been immersed in the financial world for decades and provides both bird's-eye and long-range views of money's complicated maneuverings. Without his excellent storytelling abilities and fluid writing style, this book would be heavy going for anyone who doesn't speak the language of high finance. Though it is most definitely dense (and its structure somewhat erratic), Mayer manages to make a complicated subject accessible for those with more interest than actual knowledge. An informative look at a hitherto enigmatic but influential institution. --S. Ketchum


Martin Mayer is a premier financial journalist with more than thirty books to his credit, including The Bankers and The Greatest-Ever Bank Robbery. A guest scholar at the Brookings Institution, a regular contributor to The Wall Street Journal, and a popul


PrefacePART ONe: MaGic TRICKS  Chapter 1: The Magician on the World Stage  Chapter 2: The Magician at HomePART Two: CENTRAL RANKS  Chapter 3: What Is a Central Bank?  Chapter 4: The Question of IndependencePART THREE: AVOIDING CATASTROPHE  Chapter 5: The System and Its Risks  Chapter 6: The Amen'can Lender of Last ResortPART FouR: MAKING MONEY  Chapter 7: The Age of lnvenlion  Chapter 8: Monetary Policy in the Maelstrom  Chapter 9: Disaster Time  Chapter 10: Greenspan and the Markets  Chapter 11: InternationallyPART FIVE: THE DAY JOBS  Chapter 12: The Payments Franchise  Chapter 13: Supervisions  Chapter 14: The Fed and the PoorPART SIX: WHAT'S NEXT?  Chapter 15: The Fed in Our FutureNotesIndex




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