制藥劑量窗與藥物轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)系統(tǒng) Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems

出版時(shí)間:1999-10  出版社:北京科文圖書業(yè)信息技術(shù)有限公司  作者:Howard C. Ansel 著  頁數(shù):595  


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsSeclion Ⅰ. PRINCIPLES OF DOSAGE FORM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 1  intrl)duction to Drags and Pharmacy 2  New Drug Development and Approval Process 3 Dosage Form Design: Pharmaceutic andFormulation Considerations 4  Dosage Form Desigl~: Biopharmaceutic andPharmacokinetic Considerations 5  Current Good Manufacturing Practices and GoodCompounding PracticesSection Ⅱ. SOLID DOSAGE FORMS AND MODIFIED-RELEASE DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS 6  Powders and Granttles  7  Capsules and'lhblets  8  Modified Release Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery SystemsSection Ⅲ. SEMI-SOLID AND IRANSDERMAL SYSTEMS  9   Ointments, Creams, and Gels  10  Transdermal Drug Delivery SystemsSection Ⅳ. PHARMACEUTICAL INSERIS  11  Suppositories and InsertsSection Ⅴ. LIQUID DOSAGE FORMS  12  Solutions  13  Disperse SystemsSection Ⅵ. SIERILE DOSAGE FORMS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS  14  prenterals  15  Biologicals  16  Ophthalmic Solutions and SuspensionsSection Ⅶ. NOVEL AND ADVANCED DOSAGE FORMS, DELIVERY SYSTEMS, AND DEVICES  17  Radio ph a r m a ceu ticals  18  Products of Biotechnology  19  Novel Dosage Forms and Drug DeliveryTechnologiesAppendix       Systems and Techniques of Pharmaceutical MeasurementIndex




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