出版時間:1997-9 出版社:John Newhouse Pantheon (1997-09出版) 作者:John Newhouse
With authority and clarity, Europe Adrift gives a keen and astute analysis of the struggle of the European nations to reorder their priorities in the post-Cold War era.John Newhouse--a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution and a consultant to the State Department--is perfectly placed to examine the deep and continuing divisions in a unified Germany, France's reluctance to accept Germany's ascendancy in European affairs, the self-marginalization of Britain, the lapses of the European Union, and the complex politics of NATO enlargement.
We are able to comprehend as never before Europe's inability to deal with the tragic events in the former Yugoslavia, the likelihood that a single European currency will be politically divisive and even damaging to the economies it is meant to help, and the dangers of a breakdown of Russia's armed forces, including the system that controls the country's nuclear weapons.
Newhouse cogently argues that the weakness of European governments and political parties, along with the absence of an organizing principle--such as real threat from a superpower--will discourage progress toward a broad and stable European order.As the leaders of the European Union engage in a headlong scramble to ensure that economic and monetary union begins as planned on January 1, 1999, Europe Adrift will prove to be one of the most important and widely discussed books of recent times.
John Newhouse is the author of six previous books, including War and Peace in the Nuclear Age and The Sporty Game. Formerly a staff writer for the New Yorker, where he mainly covered foreign policy, he is currently a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution and a consultant to the State Department. He lives in Washington, D.C.
... Europe Adrift is a timely and important warning. One hopes that its message will be studied and heeded by national leaders and opinion makers on both sides of the Atlantic. Bad as they are, none of Europe's problems are completely past fixing, and Newhouse's always thoughtful and often brilliant descriptions of the issues will serve as a very useful guide for those looking for answers. -- The New York Times Book Review, Walter Russell Mead... Newhouse portrays such a kaleidoscope of factors, subject to jolting change when little ahead seems fixed, that he has had to produce a series of snapshots limning the present but avoiding the temptation to predict the future. That approach may avoid the risk of looking into a cloudy crystal ball, but it accepts the opposite risk of being outdated fairly soon. No matter: The picture is accurate, and what does lie ahead will be formed of the elements the author describes.... Newhouse has done an excellent job in Europe Adrift of laying down the markers with clarity and understanding. This is the scorecard you'll need to follow the game. -- Los Angeles Times Sunday Book Review, Flora Lewis[T]here is a lot of good, serious, balanced reporting in Europe Adrift, and Newhouse makes two arguments that deserve closer attention. The first, and most distinctive, is that Europe's regions may become as important as its states. The second is that the project of European monetary union may be leading the European Union to what he calls a "collective nervous breakdown." I think the first is interesting but wrong; the second is less original but unfortunately right. -- The New York Review of Books, Timothy Garton Ash