內科學 Medicine

出版時間:2004-6  出版社:Blackwell Pub  作者:Axford, John S. (EDT)/ O'Callaghan, Chris A. (EDT)/ O'Callaghan, C. A. (EDT)  頁數(shù):1229  


  Don't leave home without it - a sure-fire hit for virtually all of your medical science and general medical teaching。 Few things at university will last you from Freshers' Week to Finals。but this book should!  It is hard to see how other medical textbooks will not be deficient compared to this one, with its numerous outstanding features - full colour photos and text, summary and "at a glance" boxes and coverage of all the medical sciences, clinical skills and clinical topics in a fully integrated fashion?! t's almost as if the pertinent parts of the standard pre-clinical texts have been cut and pasted into a book written by doctors, for doctors-to-be。 Medical students have had to wait a long time for this kind of book to come along,SHO - London。


Contributors,viiAcknowledgements,ixIntroduction,xGeneral references,xiiAbbreviations,xiii1 The Human Aspects of Medicine2 The Scientific Basis of Medicine3 Infectious Disease4 Rheumatic Disease5 Metabolic Bone Disease6 Chest Disease7 Heart Disease8 Renal Disease Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders9 Liver Biliary Tract and Pancreatic Disease10 Gastrointestinal Disease11 Diabetes Mellitus Lipoprotein Disorders and Other Metabolic Diseases12 Endocrine Disease13 Neurological Disease14 Psychological Medicine15 Haematological Disease16 Palliative Medicine17 Poisoning18 Skin DiseaseIndex



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