Advanced Engineering Mathematis. 5th ed.工程數(shù)學(xué)

出版時間:2002-1  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Peter V. O'Neil  頁數(shù):1256  


Through four editions, Peter O'Neil has made rigorous engineering mathematics topics accessible to thousands of students by emphasizing visuals, numerous examples, and interesting mathematical models.ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS featuries a greater number of examples and problems and is fine-tuned throughout to improve the clear flow of ideas. The computer plays a more prominent role than ever in generating computer graphics used to display concepts. And problem sets incorporate the use of such leading software packages as MAPLE. Computational assistance, exercises and projects have been included to encourage students to make use of these computational tools.The content is organized into eight-parts and covers a wide spectrum of topics including Ordinary Differential Equations, Vectors and Linear Algebra, Systems of Differential Equations, Vector Analysis, Fourier Analysis, Orthogonal Expansions, and Wavelets, Special Functions, Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, and Historical Notes.


PART 1 Ordinary Differential Epuations  Chapter 1 First-Order Differential Equations  Chapter 2 Second-Order Differential Equations  Chapter 3 The Laplace Transform  Chapter 4 Series SolutionsPART 2 Vectors and Linear Algebra  Chapter 5 Vectors and Vector Spaces  Chapter 6 Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations  Chapter 7 Determinants  Chapter 8 Eigenvalues,Diagonalization,and Special MatricesPART 3 Systems of Differential Equations and Qualitative Methods  Chapter 9 Systems of Linear Differential Equations  Chapter 10 Qualitative Methods and Systems of Nonlinear Differential EquationsPART 4 Vector Analysis  Chapter 11 Vector Differential Calculus  Chapter 12 Vector Intergral CalculusPART 5 Fourier Analysis,Orthgonal Expansions,and Wavelets  Chapter 13 Fouier Series  Chapter 14 The Fourier Integral and Fourier Transforms  Chapter 15 Special Functions,Orthogonal Expansions,and WaveletsPART 6 Parttial Differential EquationsPART 7 Complex AnalysisPart 8 Historical NotesIndex



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