Globalization and Business Politics in Arab North Africa阿拉伯北非的全球化和商業(yè)政治

出版時間:2007-7  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  作者:Cammett, Melani  頁數(shù):265  


“For nearly two hundred years, students of politics have debated what determines when and how capitalists influence state policy。In drawing on the experience of developing country manufacturers——the textile industries of Morocco and Tunisia——Melani Cammett both deepens both the theoretical sophistication and broadens the empirical reach of these debates。Incorporating how the opportunities and challenges of the export market shape both business horizons and government incentives, she draws subtle portraits of the changing outlooks of business communities of Tunisia and Morocco。In doing so, she deftly outlines when and why industrialists mobilize, and when and why they are effective。This book is valuable not only for what it tells us about North African textile exporters but what we learn about the global dynamics of business-state relations in the twenty-first century。”


Melani Claire Cammett, Brown University, Rhode Island
Melani Cammett is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Middle East Studies Program at Brown University. She specializes in the political economy of development and the Middle East. She earned her Ph.D. in 2002 from the Department of Political Science at the University of California at Berkeley and served as an Academy Scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies from 2005–2006 and 2007–2008. Cammett has published scholarly articles in Studies in Comparative International Development, Comparative Politics, World Development, Global Governance, and other journals. She is also completing a new book entitled Servicing Sectarianism: Welfare and Politics in Weak States, which explores how ethnic and religious parties allocate welfare goods focusing on sectarian organizations in Lebanon and other countries in the Middle East and South Asia. Her research has received support from the Smith Richardson Foundation, US Institute of Peace, Academy Scholars Program at Harvard, Social Science Research Council, American Institute for Maghrib Studies, Salomon Faculty Research Grant at Brown University, and Institute for International Studies at U.C. Berkeley. Cammett also holds an M.A.L.D. from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (1994), received a Fulbright Fellowship in Jordan, and has consulted for development policy organizations.


List of Tables and Figures page Acknowledgments List of AbbreviationsMap of Morocco Map of Tunisia I   THE FRAMEWORK  1   Rethinking Globalization and Business Politics   The Theory: Political Opportunities,Class Identity,and the Social Foundations of Business Collective Action2   Globalization and Integration in International Apparel Manufacturing Networks: The New Politics of Industrial Development   Features of Textile and Apparel Manufacturing    The Shifting Global Production Context    Waves of Off-Shore Delocalisation   Trends in Global Supply Chain Management    Industrial Development Strategy in the Contemporary Global Economy: Clusters in Global Value Chains II   THE INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXT  3   Business and the State in Tunisia: Statist Development,Capital Dispersion,and Preemptive Integration in World Markets    State-Building and Economic Elites in Tunisia    Who Made the Rules? The New Administrative Elite   State Policies and Class Formation: The Development of a Tunisian Industrial Class    A Critical Juncture: Early Integration in Global Markets and the Emergence of the Dual Market 4   Business and the State in Morocco: Business Penetration of the State and the Genesis of the “Fat Cat”    Business–Government Relations in Postindependence Morocco    The Institutionalization of the Protected EconomyIII   GLOBALIZATION AND INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE  5   Business as Usual: State-Sponsored Industrialization and Business Collective Inaction in Tunisia    Preferences and Lobbying: Intentions versus Action   State Repression,Organizational Weakness,or Preemptive Incentives? Competing Accounts of Tunisian Business Complacency    The Social Foundations of Business Behavior 6   Fat Cats and Self-Made Men: Class Conflict and Business Collective Action in Morocco    The Construction of an Interest Group   The Catalyst for Mobilization: From Class Identity to Class Formation    Producer Mobilization and New Modes of Business Politics 7   Globalization,Business Politics,and Industrial Policy in Developing Countries   Dismantling Protectionism and Business Politics beyond North Africa    Business Politics and Industrial Development in the Contemporary World EconomyAppendix A: Methodological Note and List of Interviewees Appendix B: Standardized Questionnaire for Textile and Apparel Industrialists and Factory Managers Bibliography    Journals and Newspapers    Government Publications    Books,Articles,and Reports Index




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