Central pain syndrome中樞性疼痛綜合癥

出版時間:2007-1  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  作者:Canavero, Sergio, M.D./ Bonicalzi, Vincenzo, M.D.  頁數(shù):382  


Central Pain Syndrome is a neurological condition caused by damage specifically to the central nervous system - brain, brainstem, or spinal cord. This is the only up-to-date book available on the clinical aspects (including diagnosis and therapy) of CPS management. The authors have developed a very complete reference source on central pain, which includes background material, pathophysiology, and diagnostic and therapeutic information. A medical mystery for 100 years with no effective cure, this book turns the concept of incurability of central pain on its head, providing a rational approach to therapy based on a rational theory.   作者簡介:  Sergio Canavero is the founder of Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, a think tank focused on the advancement of neuromodulation.  Vincenzo Bonicalzi is a senior staff member at the Department of Neurosciences at the third largest medical facility in Italy.


List of TablesPreface (or, the Story of an Idea)1   Introduction Definitions History2 Central Pain of Brain Origin Epidemiology and clinical features  1. Lesions causing CP and location  2. Incidence and prevalence  3. Age of onset of CPSP  4. Sex distribution of CPSP  5. Time to pain onset  6. Side of the lesions  7. Size of the lesion and CPSP  8. Pain distribution  9. Quality of pain  10. Intensity of pain  11. Components  12. Evoked pains  13. Somatosensory findings  14. Sympathetic and other signs and symptoms  Special considerations  1. Sensory epilepsy  2. Parkinson's disease (PD)  3. Iatrogenic lesions3  Central Pain of Cord Origin  1. Lesions causing CCP  2. Incidence and prevalence  3. Age of onset and sex distribution  4. Time to pain onset  5. Level of lesion  6. Distribution of pain  7. Quality  8. Intensity  9. Components   10. Evoked pains  11. Somatosensory deficits  12. Sympathetic and other signs and symptoms  13. Course Special considerations  1. Syringomyelia  2. Multiple sclerosis (MS)  3. Spinal epilepsy4  Diagnosing Central Pain5  Drug Therapy  Oral and parenteral drug therapy  1. General comments   GABA drugs   Antiglutamatergic agents   Sodium channel blockers   Antidepressants   Opioids, naloxone and cannabinoids   Miscellaneous agents   Combinations  2. Drug aggravation of CP6 Neuromodulation  Electrical  1. Extra- and subdural motor (MCS) and sensory cortex stimulation (PCS)   Mechanism of action  2. Deep brain stimulation (DBS)   Mechanism of action    a. PAG-PVG    b. Vc    c. Other areas   Efficacy    a. Vc DBS    b. PAG-PVG DBS  3. Spinal cord stimulation   Mechanism of action   Efficacy  ……7  Pathophysiology:Human Data8  Piecing Together the EvidenceReferencesIndex



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