出版時間:2007-8 出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr 作者:Bermann, George A. (EDT)/ Mavroidis, Petros C. (EDT) 頁數(shù):372
Examining developing countries within the WTO, it's easy to see there is a disconnect between what was expected from the WTO and what is actually being done for the developing countries. This book examines the different aspects of law within the WTO and how the developing countries are reacting to the Doha Developmental round, which took place after the September 11th attacks. This book also examines the differences between what the developing countries require and what they expect from the WTO which is not homogenous.
contributorsdeveloping countries ing the WTO Systern1 the legal Status of special and Differential Treatment Provisions under the WTO Agreements2 Trade preferences to small developing countries and the welfare costs of lost multilateral liberalization3 china in the WTO 2006:"law and its limitations"in the context oftrips4 developing countries ing the WTO services negotiations:doing5 Developing countries and the protection of intellectual Property Rights:Current Issues in the WTO6 Participation of Developing Countries in the WTO-New evidence based on the 2003 offficial records7 Developing countries and GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement8 Representing Developing Countries in WTO Dispute Settlement proceedings9 compensation and retaliation;A Devedloping Country's perspective10 A preference for Development:the Law11 The GSP Fallacy:A Gritique of appellate body's ruling in the GSP gase on legal,ecomomic,and political8systemic Grounds12 Is the WTO doing enough for developing countries?Index
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